DAY 15
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us....
(Acts 17:24-27 ESV)
Issue 1:
For thousands of years, ancient peoples of every race, from the Greeks to the Babylonians to the Far Easterners, have built temples for their millions of pagan gods. Today - none of them are standing! They are empty ruins for two reasons: one, their gods do not exist and two, the Real God of Heaven, does not live in some building made by corrupt men and women! His laws are written on our hearts, but we have used our heads to rule Him unconstitutional in our lives!
Issue 2:
Which one of us can give God something which He does not already have or which He originally created and gave to us in the first place! God owns all the cattle on the hills of Montana, to the rice fields of China. Men may temporarily be in charge of all of that, but one day soon, it will all be reclaimed by the Creator! Mankind in its arrogance and corruption think they can sacrifice small portions from their puny material holdings, when all God is looking for is total obedience, love and commitment from us!
Issue 3:
Look at the you think the Creator of all of this needs anything?!!! We need Him! We, who are called by His Name, will know the answers to all Life's questions when we live with Him forever in the new Heavens and the New Earth. Until then, without question, I urge you, my friends, to please read and reread the Bible passage above. This will really bring home to us the Nature, Name and Attribute of the Awesome God of Eternity
And Father in the Name of Jesus, not only am I nothing without You, but I know I only live and breathe because of the Power of Your Word! Father, nothing in this world I bring, simply to Thy Cross I cling...the same Cross which You, the Self-Sufficient God of the Universe gave to mankind as the Greatest Gift of All.
Nothing in this world I can give to You, can compare to the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ! Nothing, Heavenly Father! Anything I can give You pales in comparison to that Fact, when You Yourself state in John 4:23 that You, Almighty God, are looking for those who will worship You in Spirit and in Truth.
The truth is that all You require from us is total surrender to Your Will, total submission to the Wonder of You and total commitment in response to Your calling on our lives.
You do not live in those pagan temples which other religions and some misinformed Christians create for You, but You dwell in the very souls and hearts of men who have surrendered to the Lordship of the Jesus Christ and are therefore servants of the Most High God.
For this reality alone, I surrender all for the Glory of You, I surrender all for Gospel to be spread wherever I go; I surrender all for the Goodness You have shown not just me, but my family as well.
Every good thing cometh down from the Father of Lights. God of Heaven and Earth, thank you for daily provision and for the home You have created for us all who are committed to You. Oh, Mighty King, Who sits on the Throne attended by thousands and thousands of Holy Angels, Holy and Righteous is Your Name. You need nothing from me, but I gladly, humbly and willingly give You ALL....FATHER...ALL my Praise, Worship and Adoration. I give You all my love, devotion, Honor and the Praise and Glory of Your the Name above all Names - Jesus Christ...AMEN!!!!
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