Monday, January 30, 2012



DAY 30

"Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there" goes the well known auto insurance commercial! The implications is that no matter what the cost or the consequence, whenever you have an accident or issue which calls for insurance coverage, you can more than depend on the integrity and full faith of State Farm Insurance Company! In fact, you can rely on them being there, no matter what the reason.

Of course, this is only valid if you pay the high premiums regularly. If your teenage kids have a couple fender benders while they are still young, watch how fast some of these auto insurance companies drop you from their roster!

God is not like that (thank God)! First of all, there is no cost  to being covered by the Blood of the Lamb.  Jesus Christ paid it all on the Cross of Calvary. He is always THERE for us, when we are in pain, trouble or just need a friend.

Unlike the temporary coverage of any type of insurance companies, God's Coverage is forever. He gives Fire Insurance. If you are truly saved and born-again by repenting, believing and accepting His Sacrifice for Sin on the Cross, His Blood is the only True "Insurance" mechanism by which you and I can avoid going into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. The majority of the world does not have that eternal guarantee or protection from the fires of Hell!

This "Fire Insurance" is free, but it should cost US something which we should willing pay....not because God demands it of us, but because we want to KNOW HIM better and desire that closer walk with Him! If someone rescued you from a burning house, should it ever accidentally catch fire, you and I would be forever grateful to the brave fireman or neighbor who pulled us out of the inferno, just before the entire house exploded out of control. So we should be with Almighty God.

Many times, from beginning to end, God says to His people "I will never leave nor forsake you". He said it in Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:5 and Hebrews 13:5. Jesus Himself said it at the end of Matthew 28 "lo, I am with you, even unto the end of the age "(verse 20). There are other Promises from the Holy God, Who cannot lie, and Who made this promise!.

You can count on Him. No matter what trial or tribulation, You can count on Him. No matter what you are facing, you can count on Him. From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, He is there for you. From the moment you are born until the second you leave this earth and cross into eternity, He is there for you.

He is Jehovah Shammah, the God Who is just - THERE! He is everywhere. You can't run from Him and you do not really want to, either! Praise God. Trust Him; fall on Him; fall before Him; surrender to Him and you will never regret it.

Father in the Name of Jesus, I just surrender my entire life into Your capable Hands, not only because You have the free Fire Insurance policy called Salvation, which saved me from eternal separation from You, but because I want to. Lord, I want to know You, the God Who is always There, better. Lord I want to learn Your Ways to love you more and more each day. Lord I want to know Your Word to learn all Your attributes, which are more than just Names, they are the every essence of You, Almighty and eternal Father.

You are my Creator and Sustainer and I come to You to not just know the One True God, but to live my life fully aware of His Presence in my life and my very being as Your Spirit lives in me. I release the Power of Your Spirit in my life and give Him full access to every area of my life so He can wash, cleanse, instruct, guide, convict and then lead me on to the path of full revelation of Who You are and what a complete Joy it is to have been adopted into Your Eternal Kingdom!

Jesus gave us this promise before He left earth the first time and He said “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." (John 14:1-3 ESV)

Father, I not only believe this Promise, I know in my very being that it is completely True. He said it, I believe it, the Spirit confirms it! Lord, I rest in that knowledge You are always there fore me, from the moment I was created in the womb, until I breathe my last earthly breath - You are there! And I know, because of the Promise from Your Son, Who is my Advocate and Savior, when that last breath comes, I will be there with You forever!

What an amazing thing that is, Father! What peace...what true joy in the inner man...what revelation...what a saving knowledge to know that You, Abba Father, are always there for me. And because of that and because You live forever, I can face today, tomorrow and all through this life with a song in my heart and Your Word on my lips. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' Holy and Mighty Name, amen!


(Image by Google Images)

1 comment:

The Bernie Lutchman Blog said...

Hi Val!

Thanks for dropping by and for the comment! I looked at your website and you're a very good writer! Your website is very well constructed and full of good information. We will just agree to disagree, but I think you for the opportunity! God is Love and Holy and loving and also JUST.

Have a great day,