Most merciful Father, Creator of Heaven and earth, at the start of this new week, we approach the Throne of Grace on bended knee, seeking Your guidance, direction and Grace in the form of Your mercies, new as they are every morning. Thank You for Your kindness, not just to all generations past, but to us on this day, as we see new horizons, new possibilities, new challenges and new potential pitfalls ahead if we are not careful to stay in the lane, which You have set out for us.
Help us to not just seek favor for ourselves, but to love the unloveable.
Move us to not just do the easy things, but to trust You with the impossible.
Inspire us to not just be like any other, but to believe the Holy Spirit for the incredible.
Stay with us not just through the difficult, but exhort us as we rejoice in everything winnable.
Let us, who are faithful pray to You, immediately when we call short of the mark.
Let us, who are forgiven, forgive others who have trespassed against us.
Let us never walk in rebellion when You call us to repentance thinking You are okay with sin when Holiness is Your standard, without which, no one will see God.
When the floodwaters of trial and tribulation come, may we find our hiding place in You.
When the high and low tides in the ocean of life wash over us, may we be continually covered by the Precious Blood of the Lamb.
When the modern day Babylonians throw Your people into the fires of persecution, let them see that You are the Fourth Man in the Fire.
You will never and have never abandoned us.
You protect in times of battle and hail.
You surround us with shouts of deliverance
You instruct us in the Way we should go.
You bring hope when the road ahead seems hopeless
You let us know the days of the wicked are limited and their day of reckoning draws nigh.
So teach us to number our days and nights that we may have hearts of obedience, devotion to You and the passion to serve You. For You have surrounded us with Your chariots of fire, which the world has not seen nor will they ever know.
Give us this week, a heart to reach the lost or to at least pray for their dark souls, for even the vilest enemy can be made clean by the Word of the Lamb and the power of His testimony.
Give us this day, our daily bread – supernatural food, which only Your Spirit can provide that we may found acceptable in Your sight, should anyone of us be called up before You, until we meet again. May Your gracious kindness and love, in hearing this prayer, move our hearts so that we may be constantly be found praying always in the Spirit, in all prayer and supplication, as Thy Word says in Philippians.
Father, most Mighty God in Heaven, we come before You now, and ask all of these in the most Holy, Precious and the Strong Name of Jesus Who is Christ, amen and amen.