Thursday, December 30, 2010


It is more and more evident that the Book of Job is actually the first book of the Bible! He lived closer to Creation, about 6000 years ago, than either Abraham or Moses who wrote the original account of Creation.  Chapters 38 – 40 of the Book of Job fleshes out several of the major parts of Creation that the Holy Spirit mentioned in passing in Genesis 1 and 2!
There is a reason this BMIC website carries Daily Updates from ANSWERS IN GENESIS – led by the wonderful prophet KEN HAM who is the leading messenger from God on Creation and WHY the Belief in Creation (some have called it “Intelligent Design“) is important to not just Christians…but our children! They are the ones being brainwashed into the ungodly theory of Evolution day after day, year and year from kindergarden through college, while our churches are asleep at the wheel and practicing “Church Growth”!!Every chance we get, we bring the teaching of How God Created This World and why Genesis and JOB – a real gem on Creation – are so important. This is my reasoning for posting this video from a teaching I did on that topic some time ago.
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Sunday, December 26, 2010


Today, we're losing our young people right out of Sunday School! I don't mean Adult talking about Junior HS Sunday School classes in our so-called Bible-preaching churches!! Survey after survey, from multiple sources like George Barna and the Pew Center on Religion...added to an in depth study by Ken Ham resulted in the scariest book of the past two years - ALREADY GONE.
If there is a book that should shake up church leadership everywhere, it's this one! We're losing our children from as young as 8th grade permanently (for the most part) to the secular world because they have no relationship to the Word of God, therefore they don't believe it's true! We have them in church for one hour a week, the world and evolution and Satan has them the rest of the week! Who do you think will win this battle?!
This short TV show (about 27 mins), which is from one of my earliest programs briefly addresses how we got the physical writings of Scripture. It is up to us the rest of the time to teach the young ones the rest of the story for the 18 plus years we have them in our homes, under our wings.
THIS IS FROM "PLUMBLINE" - Channel 4, Springfield, Illinois, 2008.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010


Christmas Soldier

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Jamal Rashmawy and his wife Afaf are both from the land of the Bible - Bethlehem Ephrathah - where the House of David began. Here is speaks at the annual Christmas Men's Breakfast at Springfield Bible Church, Springfield, Illinois on Saturday December 18, 2011. This is a wonderful message of hope and Christ, from a man who grew up where "shepherds watched their flocks by night"!!

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Friday, December 17, 2010


On November 30, I was humbled with the honor to open the 3rd Annual Nativity Scene in the Illinois State Capitol building. This state is the only of all 50 states to have a Nativity Scene representing the Lord Jesus INSIDE its Capitol! I represent Business Men in Christ on this Springfield Nativity Scene Committee which is headed up by Dan and Julie Zanoza. The Illinois Family Institute, The Thomas More Society and Beth Rogers are also on this committee with us here in Springfield.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Bruce Assaf: Blow The Trumpet International from Ministry Videos on Vimeo.


Sunday, December 5, 2010



This reality game aims to provide a mini experience of the discipleship journey, from ‘baby stage' to adulthood. Some of it is fun, and lighthearted, as it is designed for all ages. It is a lot about getting to know each other. There is a memory verse to learn as you go - each stage has a piece of it.

Have two or three leaders to organise and assist with the process, and be available to collect reports, explain anything etc. Leaders at headquarters will also complete and share in the activities below.Form equal groups of 6-12 people (including pre-school children who want to participate) and find yourself a home base. There will be paper and equipment at headquarters to take to each base. Appoint a recorder to note discussions, and when each stage is complete - send a runner to headquarters with the report.

  • [Stage 1] Babyhood is being looked after: - feed each other with marshmallows on toothpicks. Memory verse: "As newborn babies" Discuss what to feed to new Christians
  • [Stage 2] Toddler is learning about family and friends: - find out 3 things you didn't know about each other - such as where they were born, their middle name, a nice memory, favourite song, pet hate, etc. Note how this helped you improve your relationship with each other. Memory verse: "hunger for the"
  • [Stage 3] Early school is learning to communicate: - say or write down something you like about each person (warm fuzzy!) and note how it made you all feel more confident. Memory verse: "pure milk of"
  • [Stage 4] Learning about God's wonders:- scavenger hunt - something from each day of creation: shiny, water, stone, leaf, a picture or other illustration of star, bird, fish, insect, fur, man-made object... At least 6 things – note these... Memory verse: "the word so"
  • [Stage 5] Learning about yourself:- there's a picture of a cake at the edge of a table at a girl's birthday party, soon it gets knocked off - discuss what would be your reaction? Match this with prophet (told you so), server (finds the broom), teacher (what should have happened), encourager, giver, organiser, shows mercy. Note the group gifts [Romans 12:6-8] Memory verse: "you can grow"
  • [Stage 6] Exploring work options: - Come up with 2 things each person might do with their gifts, in church or paid work [they can be practical work, or academic, or creative, or a mix]. Note and send in report Memory verse: "up mature and"
  • [Stage 7] Training for adult work;- Memory verse: "whole in God." -1 Peter 2:2 Put the verse together and practice it. You might sing it, act it, puzzle it, picture it - but learn it as well as you can! Report when you are ready to be tested.
  • [Stage 8] Adult hood - doing the work God has called you to do. Go sit with each person in your group for three minutes, without talking, but being open for God to speak to you about each other. Share anything you sense – a thought, picture, impression/ feeling, scripture etc. Pray for God to bless and grow each other. Then as a group, each person can share some of the things about themselves if they wish. Report this and return to headquarters – you will be asked for the memory verse as a password.
  • "As newborn babies, hunger for the pure milk of the word so you can grow up mature and whole in God"

1 Peter 2:2 (KJV)                             

REPORT BACK to everyone - recorder/ spokesperson answering "What did the group get out of it?" - added comments from group are OK depending on the time available...
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Friday, December 3, 2010


This labyrinth is not the one from Greek mythology, but made to look like the Cross, with four quadrants. The ancient Incas had fire altars in the middle of their labyrinths...and you know why!
What is it with some who profess Christianity in the US and their fascination with Labyrinths? As if forays into Eastern mysticism, “Christian” yoga, Tau crosses and the like are not enough, there seems to be increasing interest in the ancient Labyrinths as a tool for “contemplative prayer”.
By the way, contemplative prayer borders on mysticism and has Zen Buddhist characteristics…the opposite of Biblical Christianity. This is a controversial statement and will get me a lot of flack, but popular female speaker/author Beth Moore is fast becoming the leading proponent of this type of unbiblical “centering prayer”. This is a topic for another time.
There is a connection between contemplative prayer and the labyrinth, which has pagan origins. Just briefly, here are the facts on these origins.  According to Wikipedia and other sources “The first labyrinth originated in Greek mythology, where it was an elaborate structure constructed for  King Minos of Crete and designed by the legendary artificerDaedalus to hold the Minotaur, a creature that was half man and half bull and which was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus. Theseus was aided by Ariadne, who provided him with a fateful thread to wind his way back again, a clue to the single path of the labyrinth.[1] Labyrinths were also used as spiritual aides in ancient Egypt, Peru, and India”.
This could only work with the heretical practice of contemplative prayer. Here are the accepted guidelines for what they called “centering prayer” which accompanies the labyrinth walker in his/her journey to who know where:

This is the Zen or New Age version of the labyrinth.
Choose a sacred word as the symbol of your intention to consent to God’s Presence and Action within.
Sitting comfortably and with eyes closed, settle briefly and silently introduce the sacred word as the symbol of your consent to God’s Presence and action within.
When engaged with our thoughts, return ever-so-gently to the sacred word.
At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes.
Does anyone see the Name of Jesus Christ here??!!! And how did this pagan thing creep into western Christendom. Actually it was somewhat innocent at first (to be kind). During the Crusades, it became unsafe (and too expensive) for folks to make Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. So the Roman Church sent up labyrinths in the Notre Dame Cathedral in France etc and divided the pagan concept into Four Quadrants to resemble a Cross. That way, the person who is praying could experience the never-ending path of Grace to and from the center of the labyrinth.
Locally, there are two labyrinths – the Unitarian assembly close to Toronto Road and Jubilee Farm in Berlin, Illinois. The one church that had a labyrinth INSIDE of its building was the now-defunct Judson Baptist Church in Chatham. This is now, fittingly, a hindu temple!

Mystic writer on new age spirituality Richard Foster
The purpose of this brief introduction to the deception of those who promote labyrinths and contemplative prayer as a way to “feel closer to God” is to get concerned Christians thinking, researching, reading and investigating like the Bereans to what the Word of God – THE BIBLE – says and demands on these things. The shocking list of modern church celebrities who are promoting this type of “praying” is stunning. It is not just Beth Moore, whose materials will never appear in my house anymore. Max Lucado, Dallas Willard, Richard Foster head up a list people along with the magazine Christianity Today that are leading star-struck Christians down the wrong garden path!
Finally, one does not need to center (or work) oneself into “engaging with my thoughts”. A real and truly transformed Christian already has the Holy Spirit of Christ living in us, and need nothing more than total surrender to His Will, His Word and His Work. For the man and woman of God – so you wish to get closer to God? Well go to Psalm 1…and contemplate that! Amein.
(images courtesy Google Images)
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tuesday November 30 was a special day here in the Capitol City of Illinois - Springfield! We were blessed with the constitutional freedom to gather INSIDE the State Capitol Building and celebrate the Savior and Launch the 3rd Annual Springfield Nativity Scene in the Rotunda! 
There were heavenly voices from a choir in Villa Park, Illinois and powerful speeches delivered by Dave Smith (Illinois Family Institute); Beth Rogers on the Illinois Constitution and a testimony about the Life of Christ.

Our hearts and prayers go out to brother Dan Zanoza, the energy and chairman of the SNS Committee and his lovely wife, Julie. The Zanozas live in Lincoln, Il.
I was blessed to be asked to do the Invocation and read the Powerful Prophesies of Isaiah 9:6-7 about the Savior to be born in Bethlehem Ephratah (see Micah 5-2) before praying.

CLICK HERE to see a beautiful video piece from the local FOX TV affiliate Fox55 WRSP, from the Ceremony on November 30. 

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Monday, November 29, 2010


(Originally published here on Sunday November 28, 2010)

The secret to well-being may lie in worship

Posted Nov 27, 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Nick Stoyakovich, Hope in Action
Nicholas Stojakovich’s spiritual well-being grew once he supplemented his private faith with attendance at Hope Church in Springfield.And the church was there for him when his only son, Matthew, 25, died in an August 2008 auto accident in Pennsylvania in which he was a passenger in a car that hit a pole.

“I was just an absolute mess. My whole world just came crashing down,” said Stojakovich, who lives in Springfield. “I loved my son dearly and had a lot of questions about faith. I never got angry at God as much as I just (asked), ‘God, why?’”

Without the support of his church family, Stojakovich said he doesn’t know what he would have done. They talked and prayed with him. A group of people surrounded him with love, concern and support.

“They didn’t always have the answers. It was just more listening and a hug, a card, a phone call, those types of things,” Stojakovich said.

Stojakovich, who has two daughters, misses talking to his son, but he said he knows he’ll see him again.

“Without a place called ‘Hope,’ I might not have much hope,” Stojakovich said.

Religious anchor
Stojakovich is an example of what a new Gallup-Healthways study found about Americans who say that religion is an important part of their daily lives. Those who say faith is important also have the highest rates of well-being when it comes to their emotional and physical health and their work environment.

The very religious, also defined as those who attend worship services at least every week or almost every week, scored 68.7 (on a scale of 0 to 100) on the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, while the moderately religious and the nonreligious each received a score of 64.2. The finding is based on a survey of more than 550,000 people (Healthways is a global well-being company).

Religious Americans with high well-being have higher levels of life evaluation, work environment perceptions, healthy behaviors, emotional health and physical health, according to the article “Religious Americans Enjoy Higher Wellbeing” (available on

Researchers didn’t determine why the very religious had higher levels of well-being.

But they speculate that being highly religious generally involves more meditative states and faith in a higher power, both of which have been used as methods to lower stress, reduce depression and promote happiness. Religion provides mechanisms for coping with setbacks and life’s problems, which in turn may reduce stress, worry and anger.

Janet Nelson of Springfield said she can’t imagine how people get through life’s struggles and journeys without some spiritual awareness. Nelson’s faith helped her cope with the death last year of her brother, Donald Crusen.

“Feeling the presence of a Savior that really cared about me and recognizing that this world is a temporary place has really helped me to just take things as they come and accept that this is not my plan but a (plan a) Creator much greater than I planned,” said Nelson, who worships at St. Joseph Church and is involved in a retreat program called

Koinonia (a Greek word that means “community of faith”).

As supervisor of Catholic Charities’ Holy Family Food Pantry and Crisis Assistance Office, Nelson said working for Catholic Charities is a blessing because “it helps me to keep focused that there are many people who are struggling much worse than I am. I’m able to help thousands of people every year just with my simple gifts and talents.”

Gallup-Healthways researchers surmised that religious embodiment of the tenets of positive relationships with one’s neighbors and charitable acts may lead to a more positive mental outlook.

“Religious service attendance promotes social interaction and friendship with others, and Gallup analysis has clearly shown that time spent socially and social networks themselves are positively associated with well-being,” according to the article “Religious Americans Enjoy Higher Wellbeing.”

Religious lifestyle
Researchers said it’s possible that something about religiosity, defined as a personal importance placed on religion and frequent religious service attendance, in turn leads to a higher level of personal well-being.

Bernie Lutchman, Business Men in Christ 
For Bernie Lutchman of Chatham, worshipping God is a lifestyle that permeates everything he does.

“It’s more than just sitting in the church or standing, singing a hymn, which is great, too, but for me, it’s a lifestyle,” says Lutchman, a member of Springfield Bible Church.

His car is like a “mobile sanctuary” where he plays worship music and listens to Christian radio.

“Worship, in my mind, is a unidirectional, upward giving back to God what He is due in the form of praise, prayer. It involves every aspect of your life, every fiber of your being, physically and spiritually, in total dedication to him, honoring him.”

Cheryl Plunkett of Springfield, who worships at Laurel United Methodist Church, said people who worship regularly feel better about their lives.

“At church, I am able to share cares and concerns with fellow church members, not only mine but theirs as well,” said Plunkett, who added that when she’s not in church on Sunday, there is something missing in her week.

“Through that sharing, I feel better about my life, and I hope they feel better about theirs. We have opportunities through Laurel’s many mission projects to provide assistance to those in need, which gives a feeling of satisfaction that we are able to help other people.”

Stojakovich said there were periods in his life when he wasn’t regularly connected to a local church. He didn’t want to get involved in corporate group dynamics.

“I personally did not grow in my spiritual journey as a result of that and decided in 1995 or thereabouts to re-attend a church that I had visited in the ’80s, Hope Church,” Stojakovich said.

“I found it very meaningful to me to attend a community worship event at a local church and found that I was personally much more satisfied than just trying to go it alone.”

Religious behavior
Gallup-Healthways researchers said highly religious Americans’ healthier behaviors may have multiple causes.

For example, some faiths urge followers to avoid tobacco, alcohol and other potentially harmful things, and to, as Lutchman put it, avoid “running yourself ragged, chasing material things.

“Men and women are body, mind and soul. The mind is the heart where the Holy Spirit of God lives,” said Lutchman, who added that he’s had pretty good health most of his life. He said he doesn’t get stressed. He doesn’t drink or smoke. He eats right.

“I have to keep my mind fed on good things from above, which makes me want to live healthier, which makes me worship 24/7 as I do now,” Lutchman said.

Lutchman said that Romans 12:1 implies that physical well-being is closely aligned with worship: “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice — the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”(New Living Translation).

Prayer demonstrates a faith and a worship lifestyle that could withstand the times, no matter how much things collapse around us, Lutchman said.

“Because we know our permanent abode is not of this natural world,” Lutchman said.

Tamara Browning can be reached at 788-1534.

Copyright 2010 The State Journal-Register. Some rights reserved

Thursday, November 25, 2010

In Light of....GIVE THANKS!

Psalm 147:7
7 Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp.
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
1 Timothy 4:4-5
For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
Hebrews 12:28-29
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire."

As life seems to be on a runaway track; or world events cascade out of control etc...these things should not surprise us. They were predicted in His Word. What should concern us is a Daily, COMPLETE and Spirit-filled Walk with our Jesus that fills the very depths and widths of our very souls with an attidude of Gratitude at what He has done for us.

Therefore, in light of the fact how He has healed my aching shoulders or your bad knee or given us the very food on our table, never stop praising and raising His Amazing Name, give thanks.

In light of the fact that He knew us before the Foundation world, chose us for Salvation and for the Kingdom of His Dear Son, give thanks.

In light of the fact that all the Prophets and Psalms predicted and described, to the day, His Virgin Birth, Life, Persecution, Death and Resurrection, give thanks.

In light of the fact that the Word became flesh, dwelt among us, but next time, He will be returning as He really was from Eternity past...King of Kings and Lord of Lords, give thanks.

In light of the fact that it were not for the Grace, love and His amazing sacrifice on the Cross, where His blood covered my sins (past, present and future), give thanks.

In light of the fact that He has offered Salvation, Eternal Life and Adoption as sons, GIVE THANKS!!


Saturday, November 20, 2010



1) Deny yourself - James and John coveted the limelight. They replied, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory. Mark 10:37. One of your greatest challenges will be to resist promoting yourself and trying to succeed on your own, then asking God to bless your efforts. God's not interested in second-hand glory. He wants the credit for what He (not you) accomplishes in your life.

2) Take up your cross - Nobody goes directly from denying themselves to following Jesus. First we go through crucifying experiences. Paul says: 'I die daily' 1Corinthians 15:31. Certain things in your life can be handled only one way - dying to them. Listen: 'Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God' Romans 6:11. Jesus did not even talk about the cross to His disciples, until He knew they understood this principle. Why? Because until you do, you will never see the cross as a plus.

3) Follow Him - Too often we take God's presence for granted because He said He would never leave us. But He also said: 'You did not choose me...I chose you' John 15:16. It is not God's job to follow you, it is your job to follow Him! When you do, it will cost you, change you, and challenge you. Sometimes you will go through valleys, other times you will stand with Him on the mountaintop. You must be willing to follow Him anywhere, any time, under any conditions; that is the deal! Still want to be a disciple of Jesus?
Matthew 10:38
and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Mark 8:34
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

Luke 9:23
Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

Luke 14:27
And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.


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