- The Sanctity of human life
- The Dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife
- The Rights of conscience and religious liberty.
The website dedicated to living and sharing Biblical Wisdom and Truth by Bernie Lutchman (Bible Teacher/Author, Pulpit Supply Minister and musician.
Ed Merkel December 20 at 8:43am Reply
This is amazing and beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. I'll pass it along!
Paul Younghaus December 20 at 11:41am Reply
I love it Bernie, truly a work of love! I posted it as soon as I saw it and didn't have time to say thanks before church this morning. I must say thanks now brother!
Ed Evans December 20 at 2:13pm Reply
It's not fair to bring tears to an old man's eyes. Such a beautiful voice, and such precious words and pictures. Thank you for sharing, I'm doing the same. God bless Vicki Lutchman, Jr., and her husband, whats-his-name.
Mel Whirley December 20 at 11:32pm Reply
I agree with Paul that this is a labor of love. Bernie, this is an heirloom and thanks to you, and Vicki, for including me!
Doc Blakely December 21 at 1:08pm Reply
Thanks Bernie. Blessings on you and yours.
Susan E Harmony December 20 at 11:06am Reply
Thank you so much for this video, Vicki and Bernie. I have reposted it and hope that it can reach the world! I am still crying. God Bless You!
Brother Bernie I saw your Video on the home page this morning, about 4 hours ago-
I shared it on my Wall. and here is what my thoughts were while and after hearing such a beautiful loving song. I wrote on my wall right after listening...
Oh my what a story of the biggest trial to ever be put thru.
I have tears of Joy and Sorrow. Our Soldiers are the Most caring and bravest. we are all blessed in that. And then it is the most painful to lose any one of Our Precious Soldiers. So extremely heartbreaking for a lifetime for his and her family members. This song is so beautifully written by Ms. Vicki, and her voice is as an Angels would be. Singing with love and caring.
God Bless You Ms. Vicki for caring for Our Soldiers so very much.
and for sharing in a way, to remind us all to never forget.
~~ thank you so much BB for sharing this blessing with all of your friends. friends to you and Vicki. GOD BLESS, Forever :) your Patriotic Sister, Jeri D.! :)
The only thing I could hope for at this time, is to bring our troops safely... Dear lord please watch over and protect our armed forces while they are over seas fighting to protect us and our rights. Dear lord please make their family strong and give them the strength to get through this.... I ask this humbly in the name Jesus Christ your son, Amen...
Thank you brother Bernie and Vicki for such a beautiful song.... My soldiers are all that matter to me... please bring them home alive to their families and loved ones.
Thank you for sharing this....thank you so much.
Hello Bernie. Somehow...this wonderful email got in a heap of others and i missed it yesterday. What a wonderful blessing! I love songs dedicated to our precious Troops. What a great talent Vicki has. You two are quite "the dynamic duo"
for the Lord Jesus! I will be happy to share this. Merry Christmas & God Bless!
I originally “met” beautiful, talented singer/songwriter Ava Aston when a mutual friend connected us on Facebook. The budding entertainer was seeking footage from the 9/12 March on Washington and photos from various, local tea party protests to enhance the video production of her newest single, We The People. Knowing of my involvement with all things Constitutional, our common friend sought me out for help, and I happily obliged.
The ensuing result was an inspiring anthem to American patriotism, designed to energize, inspire and — whenever necessary — life the spirits of dedicated citizens across the country who are fighting back against massive government, and standing tall for freedom.
Recently, my Conservative Republican Forum co-host Steve and I had the pleasure of interviewing Ava about her new song, her motivation for writing and recording it, and her experience as a right-leaning performer in an industry dominated by lefties.
Question: What was your motivation for writing and recording We The People?
I am an unsigned artist, which means I have a day job. I live and work in the New York area as a bartender, so I do a lot of events. One day in particular, I was really mad after listening to a.m. talk radio, something I do regularly to stay informed. As I recall, it was Fashion Week in New York and I was doing an event at Banana Republic. The more I thought about what was bugging me, the angrier I got. So just as I’ve done from the time I was five years-old, I conceived a melody in my head, which I wrote down on a cocktail napkin. Then I began to list all of the things that were annoying me about this current administration.
By the time I left work, I had the first verse and chorus, which I immediately shared with my husband. He assured me it wasn’t silly, and encouraged me to keep going. By 4 a.m. the song was done. When I sang it to my mom over the phone, she was adamant about me recording it and producing a companion video. Because in my family, we’re like many others out there — we’re watching the news everyday and we’re horrified by what’s going on. In some small way, I am hoping We The People will help keep the tea party movement mobilized and energized. It’s also a tribute to all Americans who are fighting so hard to preserve our freedom — first and foremost the US Military.
Can you believe in a few weeks we will celebrate another Christmas? Can you believe 2010 is peeking around the corner? Time seems to travel at warp speed. A person can hardly take a breath without another day passing at lightning pace. Do you think Christmas, compared to a Christmas generations ago, has changed? More and more people are angry, entitled, and out to commercialize a sacred month.
When Tony and I are home and the television is off, we play traditional Christmas music—those good old tunes by Bing Crosby, and others, with the scratchy background reminding you of the antiquated technology. I recall many Christmases with sweets decking out the dining room table, cousins romping around, making eyes at the presents under the tree, and the movie, “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer,” playing downstairs (sung by a claymation snowman, played by Burl Ives). The most pleasant memories were made around my cousins.
Next Saturday is my Coffee and Dessert Open House. Tomorrow I will begin preparations so I can enjoy
Acker Music Night and all fun of putting together my yearly Christmas party. What is Christmas without food? What is Christmas without the hope and love the birth of Jesus Christ brings to us? Most gifts do not come wrapped or with price tags. Most gifts come in the form of the people we call friends and family. I know I am blessed to have so many of them surrounding me today. What makes Christmas special for you? What are your traditions?
Lemon or Chocolate Parfait
1) In a small plastic cup (usually bought at party stores), add some pieces of white cake. Top the parfait with either lemon curd or chocolate cream.
2) Top with whipped cream, chocolate bits, a chocolate wafer, or a lemon wedge. Whatever makes it look delicate and pretty. Serve immediately.