The "evangelical" Christian world has gone nuts for this outrageously popular book by author William Young. Suddenly he has become the darling of all kinds of well-known Christians from Michael W. Smith to, of all people - Gloria Gaither. You would think the Gaithers would know better than this!
"THE SHACK" is now been touted as the "best" explanation of the Trinity...some people are even using it in Bible studies!!! Goooooood NIGHT!! What is wrong with this picture? Don't these people know that William Young has denied the subsititutionary atonement of Christ on the Cross (meaning he does not believe in Christ's death on the Cross for our sins and the Blood-Covered washing away of our sins!) This man is NOT A REAL CHRISTIAN! LISTEN HERE IN HIS OWN WORDS!
Yet Christians are quoting this from church pulpits I know of, or group studies in youth groups...and Gloria Gaither has Mark Lowry and others touting this garbage!
I am NOT a fan of this pastor - Mark Driscoll. But it is the best explanation of what "THE SHACK" is about and the heresy in it. Watch it, get your Bible out and you will see he is telling the truth!
The website dedicated to living and sharing Biblical Wisdom and Truth by Bernie Lutchman (Bible Teacher/Author, Pulpit Supply Minister and musician.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Waking up to a darkening cloudy sky on Thursday morning, May 7, 2009 was something to worry about....or was it?! I was in two minds - should I move the NDP prayer rally inside or leave it on the steps of the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Il.? Silently concerned but praying and asking God for clarification...I found myself knowing that I was trusting Him, yet the human in me was still looking in the sky!
Sure enough, the Lord used Howard Fouks and Lonnie Lein, the chief engineers of Christian Radio for Central Illinois WLUJ 89.7 FM, to finally answer me - Capitol steps and no questions. By 11am, the Son and the sun were so bright in an extremely clear sky that we could only marvel at the matchless Shekinah Glory of God! (The entire NDP Prayer rally was taped and broadcast on WLUJ 89.7FM and to countless thousands at 3pm on May 7, 2009).
What a most powerful prayer rally. It was the largest crowd we have had in four years since I took over leadership of the movement, under the auspices of Business Men in Christ. Powerful worship music from Effingham's iPrayz set the tone and from the moment the Shofar (Jim Nesbit) went off, God took over His Prayer Rally. I will never forget Pastor Milton Bost and his powerful prayer for the family. This is more important than stimulus packages, political correctness and just about anything you can think about. It was an anointed time of intercession and worship.
The crowd ran about only 250 or so (count from programs and song sheets handed out) but more important was the quality of the Intercession from all prayer leaders. Prayer leaders were: Pastors Eric A. Hansen (iWorship Center); Milton Bost (Chatham Baptist Church); Ministers James A. Smylie and Gary S. Pierce; Karilyn Eastvold and Apostle James Nesbit.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Il. State Representative Mike Bost (R- Murpheysboro, Il) a former US Marine (OOORAH!!) and a solid man of Christ. His son Steven Bost is a JAG in the USMC. Several Illinois General Assembly Reps and staffs were in attendance. Community Relations Officer Sandy Robinson represented Springfield Mayor Tim J. Davlin.
The ground was claimed for Christ many years ago, and He showed up through His Remnant who worshipped and praised God there on this the 58th Annual National Day of Prayer!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Proverbs 11: 14 (NLT) says this about the current and most recent leadership in America “Without wise leadership, a nation falls; with many counselors, there is safety.”
This country is not only heading for a huge fall into perdition, but plunging headlong into it. While it is easy to blame current pagan politicians (and there is none of them righteous, not even one), who only find a church door at election time to find votes, the biggest fault lies with almost all pastors, preachers and church leaders.
The average pastor prays 3 minutes per day (source: , spends all his time inside his office and almost none reaching the lost. Discipleship INSIDE the church is almost non-existent. Prayer services can only be found in 1 out of each 100 or so churches and this is from my own research in Springfield, Illinois.
But once per year, we have the God-given right and opportunity to come together as the Community of Christ to pray for our Families, city, community, country and the US Military. If there was ever a time to pray, it is now! The Bible, the only real authority of the Mind and Heart of God, is clear - God only hears the prayer of His people. There is no other faith, religion or other "spirituality" than Christ and Christ alone. In fact, if you ever hear the word "spirituality", run in the opposite direction!
This coming Thursday May 7, 2009 is the annual National Day of Prayer Noon Rally at the Illinois State Capitol, the people's forum. Come pray with us - Apostle James Nesbit and other leaders in the local Christian Community. Worship will be led by Christian recording artists iPrayz of Effingham, Illinois.
Mom's 75th birthday was most timely to bring all her children together! Coming in from all points - Boston, Illinois, London (England) and the Caribbean - we were all grayer and a bit overweight, but still in reverence and love and admiration for our dear mother. She (Cynthia Lutchman) raised us from the time my father died in April 1968, all by herself, on a teacher's salary and without taking public assistance from any government entity. This amazing prayer warrior, who is on her knees 3-4 hours per day, taught us loyalty, dedication, love, faith and sacrifice.
Those attributes stay with a person a lifetime. It has helped to make me the man I am today. What a marvellous time of love and unity from all her living children (brother Dr. Dinesh died in Chicago in 2001). I think one reason we always got along was growing up poor, Christian and depending on each other. So thank to my dear mom and all my brothers and sisters for the most memorable time ever in our family! Thank you "King Julian" Vinay, the Wallerfield Man Vin, sister Drin and Mo. May God bless us all and may we not wait another 20 years for another reunion!!
UPDATE: Mom (Cynthia S. Lutchman, went on to be with the Lord in our presence on Thursday July 7, 2016, after a painful but God-honoring struggle of two years, with multiple myeloma. Even in her passing, she honored God. It was a privilege to preach her funeral sermon after which many were convicted and one person said she gave her life to the Lord, as I prayed. #GloryToHisName!
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