has come across that one person in your life who has made a HUGE difference and
even changed the direction of where they were heading. One such person, was
prime among the very small group of Godly men who mentored me in Ways of the
Lord. The Bible – the pure and powerful Word of God – is an integral part of
me, now more than ever. It was not always so until I understood – from that
same Bible – what victory Christ actually won for me at the Cross….and not just
me, but all mankind for all time.
would not have understood that victory or where the written proof was, were it
not for a man named Bob Warren. Bob is my most unforgettable person in life.
When he passed from this world on Monday morning, August 25, 2014 – he left
behind a legacy which touched thousands of men, women and young people which
most American preachers would give their big salaries for (maybe). The last
time I saw Bob a couple or so summers ago, he was asking permission to pour his
teachings into my oldest son, who showed an interest during camp and stayed up
late for Bob’s late night mega bible studies. That was the kind of man he was.
He reached into the inner city and the poorer counties and gave youngsters
(boys and girls) a chance a summer camp experience they could never otherwise
have .
deeply affected both my sons’ lives because his BASIC (Brothers And Sisters In
Training was all about the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible and walking it
the Christian life. The sadness I saw in them trumped the deep loss I felt at the
passing from the scene, of this hero of the Faith. So who was Bob Warren and
why did he mean so much to those who knew him? The lanky 6 ft. 4 inch
athlete from Hardin, KY grew up on his folks hog farm and rose to such
prominence in the late 1960’s in the South East Conference (SEC) in basketball,
at Vanderbilt University, that he was drafted by both the NBA and the NFL!
(Hardin, Kentucky, is just to the east of Paducah and the home of Murray State
University). The SEC was well loved at that time, since the New York Jets had
scored big with a quarterback named Joe Willie Namath of the Alabama Crimson
The last leadership training for Summer Camp at Bob Warren's THE HILL, this past July 2014 |
Bob turned down the NFL in New York (Giants) and chose the National Basketball Association, where he ended his career with the San Antonio Spurs, current reigning NBA Champs. To those who knew Bob, his stellar basketball career was not his biggest accomplishment in life. He always talked more about the Lord than the guy he used to be who "put a round piece of leather through a round piece of iron"!! When the Lord Jesus Christ delivered him from the dominion of darkness and saved him, Bob entire life went straight into a whirlwind. At once, it was both his biggest victory and the most critical time of his life. As he told the intimate groups he spoke to, being born-again into the Kingdom of God cost him his marriage. His unsaved and non-believing wife immediately left him and Bob never dated for 25 years after that. The great athlete spent the next quarter century alone, but he was not alone. (He remarried later in life. His wife is Kimberly and his only son is Benjamin).
Bob Warren (1946-2014) |
year, a long time ago, he handed me a set of cassette tapes of teaching from
Romans chapters 1-8, by Bob Warren. Then he told me not to give it back to him
until “I got it”. I did not know what that meant…i.e. “got it”. So I listen to
the friendly southern preacher Warren explaining every verse of every phrase of
eight chapters of Romans. I listened once – did not get it, even though I
understood it. The second time through – I can still remember the moment
it hit me! I GOT IT! I got why this Book of Romans was not only the Book that
launched the Reformation, but explained my Redemption! I was free at
last, just like Martin Luther! I was saved 13 years before, but I did not
understand the Victory until I got through Romans 6 – 8 (twice) and felt myself
completely living in the victory! If you think this was good news of the
revelation of the Victorious Christian, this same study led a good friend of
mine to being born-again just before I had gone through the study.
grew up in the ritualistic Greek Orthodox tradition and did not Christ as Lord
and Savior - until Bob’s teaching on Romans 1-8 opened his eyes. When he
gave that testimony at a men’s breakfast several years ago, there was not a dry
eye in the place. These are just a couple of the countless other such
testimonies. More and more, Bob’s amazing revolutionary teaching from the Word
reformed many, such as the guy who had his light come on while driving and
pulled over to the side of the highway after listening to Bob, and knelt by the side of the road to give his life to Christ! My next step was asking
myself “what more was I missing”? If I had just gotten the same revelation as
Luther, Warren and McKenzie, there had to be more in that Bible – like 64 and ½
books worth more! Sure enough, I discovered Bob had a teaching on how to study
the Old Testament!
most Christians, we tend to avoid the “Old Testament” as, well, “old”, not
knowing that almost ALL the End Times prophesy were delivered from Heaven by
the Old Testament prophets! By the time I had spent several weeks almost daily,
stopping and playing those old cassettes, I was so familiar with the period of
the Kings, their doings and How the Lord moved through human history…I sought
out a local Messianic congregation to find out more about Hebrew roots of the
Scripture. I am still friends with many in the national messianic Jewish
movement, who look to Yeshua as Savior. My hunger and thirst for the Word of
God and love for the Savior and Kingdom work, and primarily to connect the dots
to such an extent that I can explain it to someone else, is partly the legacy
of this great man – Bob Warren….and not just me, but God alone knows how many
learning of the passing of such a great influence and friend in my life, the
shock turned to joy once I overcame the grief, knowing that Jesus was giving
him the rest and reward he truly deserved. The man who taught kids at his
annual weeklong summer camp, the value of not just the Word but application (all
kids had to go help a local farmer with his chores or repair projects) was now
finally home, in the Abode of the Master. His last book series, which he
never got to finish was called “God’s Heart” and it was on selected topics of
the Faith – from predestination to living in Hope. But while he will never
finish writing them, he did not really have to – the lives of those whom he
influenced and loved to Jesus, are already living examples of God’s Heart
to a perishing world. Thank you, Bob Warren, formerly of Hardin, Kentucky! Walk
on, brother – as you always said – walk on in the streets of Gold, where you
are now, for all eternity….until we meet again! Amen.
BobWarren’s website: “LIFE ON THE HILL”
Click here to purchase the Life-Changing teaching on Romans 1-8 from Amazon.com
The only known video message from Bob is an amazing testimony to a man whose walk was closer than most! You have to watch this:
Click here to purchase the Life-Changing teaching on Romans 1-8 from Amazon.com
The only known video message from Bob is an amazing testimony to a man whose walk was closer than most! You have to watch this: