Today's brief passage speaks a lot to what is going on currently in our world. As I read Malachi 3, it gripped me that this is relevant to the child of God, at any point in history! Malachi was the final prophet of the Old Testament, before John the Baptist comes on the scene right before the Birth of Christ (as a man) and it is he (John) of whom Malachi is writing, 400 years before he was born!
Here is our passage: “Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold, he is coming, says the LORD of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the LORD....(Malachi 3:1-3 ESV)
John the Baptist (I supposed he was a "southern" Baptist, as he was south of Nazareth!!!) was called the voice of "one crying in the wilderness" who prepared the way for the Lord! John did proclaim Messiah who came into the Temple and taught and started to purify it by chasing out the money changers. But I see a more End Times prophetic declaration here in verse 2 "But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap...(Malachi 3:2 ESV).
Today, I encourage you to pray about this verse because, unbeknownst to him, Malachi just gave us an End Times prophesy which will shake the majority of mankind when he sees the terrible judgment of the Lord, on those who not only have rejected Him as Messiah, but persecuted His church and turned away from His attempts to reach them with pure and cleansing power of His Love! It was this Love which He demonstrated on the Cross. Yet, they still don't get it.
Here is the corresponding back up scripture to Malachi 3:2 and pray for those whom you know not to be walking in the ways of the Lord, because one day, some of them will be in this situation. Time is, be terrified and pray, because the Day of the Lord approaches with each new day! Amen
When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?”
(Revelation 6:12-17 ESV)
The website dedicated to living and sharing Biblical Wisdom and Truth by Bernie Lutchman (Bible Teacher/Author, Pulpit Supply Minister and musician.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
- The literal six day Creation of the Earth, as described in the Bible
- The Inerrancy of the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God (Sola Scriptura)
- The Virgin Birth of the Lord Jesus
- His Sinless life on earth
- Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the eternal life (Solus Christus)
- His Death, Burial and Resurrection
- His Second Coming
- All for the Glory of God (Soli Deo Gloria)
A true Christian also believes the following: "Faith without Works is Dead" (James 2:17). Nobody has done more, as a person or single organization, than Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse to feed, clothe and bless children and adults of all ages and religions! This year alone, Samaritan's Purse is set to give away over 94 million shoe boxes full of desperately needed personal items to disadvantaged kids worldwide - no matter what religion or color they are. When Hurricane Sandy destroyed the coasts of New Jersey and New York, Franklin and Samaritan's Purse had trucks on standby, from homebase in North Carolina, ready to move equipment and hundreds of Christian volunteers in to help the regular people who were hurt the most. While the mainstream media played up publicity seeking politicians and entertainers, God saw the hearts of our Christian brothers working anonymously to help restore other's lives.
A true Christian and especially a Christian leader, knows what the Great Commission is - and it is to win souls and make disciples for Christ. Following the example of the greatest preacher of the 20th Century - William Franklin Graham Jr (the 94 year old Billy), Franklin has "Rocked the River" up the Mississippi valley, bringing thousands of youths to Christ and is getting set to launch the next Billy Graham American Crusade one year from now, in November 2013.
Graham is a man for all seasons and missions, and never loses sight of his first obligation to be a follower of Christ. Like those of who stand on the Name of our Lord and Savior - JESUS - he will not sugarcoat, lie or compromise like most Americans, to curry favor with the elite. As a result, he has been kicked out from the Pentagon from National Day of Prayer events in 2010....only to hold a prayer meeting in the parking lot! Samaritan's Purse was banned from the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, later that same year. He has gotten into controversy for speaking boldly on the issues and people of the day, who affect the lives of many.
While, it is true that Franklin Graham is not a pastor of a church, who has to try and hold/shepherd a congregation, that does not preclude America's pastors from speaking on the great moral issues of our time. Yet time after time, every one of America's top "celebrity" preachers and Christian authors, who lead the largest churches in this country, remain resoundingly silent when God is blasphemed; religious freedom is threatened or the church is persecuted worldwide. No one calls for national repentance or fasting or prayer, on the national scene somehow, it is always up to the son of the great Billy Graham, to call it as God sees it. Just like the Old Testament Jeremiah proclaimed the coming Judgment on Jerusalem and the corruption of its people, there is only one man brave enough in America today, to prophesy like that and call Christians to prayer for the country and its leaders.
However, the main thing about this brother and all the rest of us redeemed folk out here is this - he is also sinner saved by Grace (Sola Gratia). Franklin Graham, America's Christian Conscience, was once a rebel against God, like you and I, yet Christ got a hold of his life, and turned him around. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, can do the same for you! Would you let him?
(There will be more about Billy Graham's "My Hope" here in the weeks and months ahead)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Now comes news of jailed Iranian pastor Behnam Irani who is near death after been beaten by his islamic torturers in Iran. The forty year old pastor was jailed in 2011 for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ - nothing else! He has been beaten so badly, left unconcious and bleeding in his jail cell, that he has developed infections in his colon and acute ulcers which have prevented him from walking. The word from the inside (and God has His own people, even inside the lions' den) is that Pastor Behnam will die soon if he does not receive immediate medical attention and treatment. The increasing beatings by his moslem captors have worsen these conditions and urgent prayer is needed for him.
This young man, is the married father of two and was the leader of the Church of Iran in Karaj (Iran) when the local mullahs gave him a six-year sentence in Ghezel Hesar prison. He is only in year one of the sentence! His current condition has been exposed to the civilized world by Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a UK-based religious freedom organizaiton. (CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS AND OTHER PERSECUTION NEWS OF THE SAINTS OF CHRIST WORLDWIDE). This incident with Pastor Behnam comes quickly on the heels of the persecution and subsequent release of another Iranian Pastor Yousef, who was due to be executed by the islamic Iranian authorities for being a follower of Jesus Christ. Yousef was only recently released after worldwide outrage and pressure shamed the government there into releasing him. These same people reacted by arresting Pastor Yousef's own attorney and he is now in persecution prison for the crime of being a Christian!
While the American press, and even some in the US government were brought kicking and screaming to recognize Pastor Yousef's outrageous planned execution, there is complete silence of Christians persecuted worldwide. from American church leaders - the famous ones - as well as the US department of state. US Congressman Frank Wolf (R- Virginia) has been doing the Lord's work to bring all of this to our attention. While Pastor Behnam may not have achieved the same public voicing of the grievous wrong done him, the Body of Christ needs to pray for him now. His reward is a crown in the Kingdom of God, where his captors and those who remain silent, will not be allowed.
Therefore, our project for this week, as men and women of God, who were saved by the same Jesus Christ for Whom our Iranian brother is suffering, is to pray for his comfort, his healing or the Divine Intervention of the Lord Himself - no matter what that may mean. Amen
Saturday, November 24, 2012
'Gang fight' at Black Friday sale...
Man Punched in Face Pulls Gun On Line-Cutting Shopper...
Shots fired outside WALMART...
Shoppers smash through door at URBAN OUTFITTERS...
Customers run over in parking lot...
Woman busted after throwing merchandise...
Thousands storm VICTORIA'S SECRET... (MUST SEE!)
VIDEO: Insane battle over phones...
Mayhem at Nebraska mall where 9 murdered in 2007...
Shoplifter tries to mace security guards...
Men Steal Boy's Shopping Bag Outside BED, BATH & BEYOND...
Shots fired outside WALMART...
Shoppers smash through door at URBAN OUTFITTERS...
Customers run over in parking lot...
Woman busted after throwing merchandise...
Thousands storm VICTORIA'S SECRET... (MUST SEE!)
VIDEO: Insane battle over phones...
Mayhem at Nebraska mall where 9 murdered in 2007...
Shoplifter tries to mace security guards...
Men Steal Boy's Shopping Bag Outside BED, BATH & BEYOND...
These are just some of the outrages in a twelve hour period, from Thanksgiving 2012 night to noon the next day! (Links are compiled by the DRUDGE REPORT). At some point in our lives, almost everyone of us has gone to a store early on the Friday morning after Thanksgiving to find a deal. I remember doing that once years ago, to buy a Nintendo Gameboy for my son (over 12 years ago) at 5am; not getting it after waiting in line for two hours....and never joining this madness again - ever again!!
Compared to the days of over a decade ago, what has happened on Black Friday in the past two years is total anarchy! Combine this with the scenes of formerly wealthy people in the New York/New Jersey areas hit by super Hurricane Sandy, losing all their property etc, and wandering aimlessly for food and water, we are seeing a preview of what America will look like before and during the coming Great Tribulation!
There is nothing on God's green earth to justify any of the behavior reported above, by people, who say they're getting ready to celebrate "Christmas" ....or the birth of the "Prince of Peace"! How about that! In fact, from the way most of these unruly shoppers (and some of their more upper-class counterparts) conduct their lives, they are as far from the Real Prince of Peace - Jesus Christ - as are the atheists, who are trying to wipe out Christianity and God in America! You can guarantee, from surveys taken, that the same people who will rush to buy a 40 inch Vizio TV (which is a great TV, by the way), would then expect the government to give them free contraceptives and abortion pills...but I digress.
What does this say about the soul of this country? It says we are lost, lost, lost and full of misplaced priorities. We now have two generations of people who grew up under an education, cultural and political system with no morality, decency, Truth or the correct view of God. We have a false spirituality led by Osteen, Oprah and every false religion under the sun, with very few real preachers of the Word of God, being the Voice crying in the Wilderness.
Where does all of this get us? Nowhere! If we survive the pagan Mayan prophesy of the end of the world on December 21, 2012, we will be back next year - on Black Friday 2013-witnessing the same outrage once more...or worse. All the "stuff" that people are seemingly selling their souls for now, will be either worn out, broken or worth nothing.
Would the long lines, in cold freezing weather, enduring pushing and shoving by smelly and half-crazed people who haven't brushed their teeth in 48 hours worth it? No! You know what is? Well, that would be (in addition to sleeping in your own bed) - the peace, joy, contentment and understanding that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior....and He is all you need - Q.E.D.....proven, over and out!
(images of Black Friday from google images news reports across America 11/23/2012)
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Waking up on Thanksgiving Morn with peace in your heart, a song in your soul and this Scripture in your spirit...well, is there a better way to start ANY day? But this day is special, my friends. I realize what a vile sinner I fact, I am in competition with the Apostle Paul (who was personally taught for three years in the Arabian desert by Jesus)
I am in competition with Paul over who is the Chief of ALL Sinners! This is why it is all His is all Grace that we are even allowed to live and work and eat and sleep in warm homes, with relative comfort and ease. Yet we do not seem grateful enough, half the time, when we should EXPLODE in gladness at just being in Presence of the Lord! In a year, where everything may seem to go wrong, for the people of God, everything IS RIGHT - in Heavenly Places! It has always been perfectly righteous and holy and, well - Heavenly - up where the Savior lives!NEW PSALM!
Waking up on Thanksgiving Morn with peace in your heart, a song in your soul and this Scripture in your spirit...well, is there a better way to start ANY day? But this day is special, my friends. I realize what a vile sinner I fact, I am in competition with the Apostle Paul (who was personally taught for three years in the Arabian desert by Jesus)
So while the culture is vile and corrupt and evil wins on every level - give thanks.
When the hounds of heresy bark at your heels - give thanks.
When the hordes of hell seem trumphant in these last days - give thanks.
Because He has come down and died for you, for that - give thanks.
He has saved you if you repent and believe,so - give thanks.
He has brought you into the Heavenlies, so - give thanks.
Because when you said YES, He put His Spirit to seal you, so - give thanks.
For the essentials He provided - give thanks.
For the family He reunited - give thanks.
For the health He restored - give thanks.
For the purpose He redirected - give thanks.
For the pep in your step - give thanks.
For the joy in your soul - give thanks.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name! (Psalm 100:4 ESV)
A Psalm of Thanksgiving
by Bernie Lutchman
Give thanks! Give thanks! For the Lord is a good God. His mercies are never failing!
His love endures forever. He is above all, in all and over all!
He is my all in all! Walk in His Marvelous Light!
Declare His Name around the earth!
Proclaim His Truth! Come into His Presence NOW!
This world is passing, we are not! We are His!
We are the sheep in His Pasture!
We are His salt and His light in a dark tasteless world!
So,Declare His Worth!
Declare His Majesty!
Declare His Salvation!
Declare His Wonders!
Declare His Soon-Coming!
Enter His Gates this Thanksgiving Day! Let not your hearts be troubled!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
If you ever wondered why the latest movements inspired by evil - from HARRY POTTER to TWILIGHT to FIFTY SHADES OF....whatever - have captured the hearts, minds of souls of an entire generation of mostly women and teenage boys, look no further than the absence of real men who were supposed to leading their homes, churches and community.
Just for the record, and for those who think people like me are bible thumping extremists, tell me what is wholesome about a worldwide phenomenon written by a wiccan (JK Rowling of Harry Potter); a Vampire series by a woman (Stephanie Meyer) who said she was given the story by an "angel of light" (whom the Bible calls Lucifer) and the biggest selling book in the world (other than the Bible) - FIFTY SHADES OF GREY Trilogy.
The Fifty Shades Trilogy is written by a former British studio manager (at a film school) named E.L. James who admitted the characters in her corrupt book are based on the Twilight series! So you see where all of this is heading!
It is one thing for them to publish and promote their evil over there, but with over 60 million copies of the Fifty Shades of pornography sold worldwide, we know that a lot of North American women are reading the filth. From a lot of reports, it would appear that a lot of "Christian" women are reading this Fifty Shades books and justifying it as having been written by another so-called "Christian" woman- E.L. James! Anyone who writes pornography based on a demonic-inspired Twilight series is NOT a follower of Jesus Christ, period.
It is fascinating that some of the biggest criticism of the James' books are women! The powerful GirlsGoneWise blog critique is fantastic and should have been done by Christian women leaders like Beth Moore or Joyce Meyer. Here is another one written by a young mom DANA SUGGS! These two outstanding female perspectives speak for themselves and reveal the shortcomings of the people of God who are silent, not just with this, but too many other things - while the world around us go to hell in a hand-basket!
The question is, apart from Mark Driscoll (the outspoken pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle), where are America's men and church leaders speaking out on this, being watchmen on the Wall of the souls of their children and warning the people? Where are you men of Courage? Where are you speaking out against the degradation and filth from movies, music and now books which are corrupting the minds of your wives and daughters, while you say nothing?! God will hold you accountable for this, one day. Wouldn't it be better to speak out now and save yourself grief on Judgment Day?.....Just saying.......! You don't have to buy or borrow the book to know what it is...just open to any page at Target or Walmart and you should wonder why a Christian would read that and call, even 1/2 a page, "enlightening"!
God’s plan is to make you holy, and that entails first of all a clean cut with sexual immorality. Every one of you should learn to control his body, keeping it pure and treating it with respect, and never regarding it as an instrument for self-gratification, as do pagans with no knowledge of God. You cannot break this rule without in some way cheating your fellow-men.
And you must remember that God will punish all who do offend in this matter, and we have warned you how we have seen this work out in our experience of life. The calling of God is not to impurity but to the most thorough purity, and anyone who makes light of the matter is not making light of man’s ruling but of God’s command. It is not for nothing that the Spirit God gives us is called the Holy Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 PHILLIPS)
(image via google images)
Sunday, November 18, 2012
For instance, this month of November 2012 has been very fulfilling, stunning,
encouraging and illuminating as far as the spirit man is concerned! Just in the
past two weeks, I had an amazing conversation with a 19 year old persecuted Chinese
Christian saint, whose passion for the Lord, almost shamed me in. Then, just a few days ago, one of my favorite people in the world – Dr Ronnie Floyd of Cross
Church in Northwest Arkansas, told us at a pastors’ conference a testimony
which shows just how powerfully our God is moving, in these last days! Please allow me to tell part of their story...because the Kingdom of Heaven is like.....:
“Christina” was saved from Buddhism at the age of 13 in
Communist China and was immediately disowned and mistreated by her parents and
family! For four plus years before she came to America, Christina had no Bible,
due to the nature of her conversion – and Chinese oppression of the underground
Chinese Christian church movement. There is an official Chinese “Church” and
they do play actual Christmas hymns in the Beijing Airport (like O Holy Night
etc), but like anything officially sanctioned by any tightly controlled state,
the true freedom and move of the Spirit of God can only be found in those who
are persecuted and perseveres!
Since she had no Bible until now, “Christina” memorized the
entire hymn book she was fortunate enough to be allowed to have, because it was
not the Bible! What unsaved people don’t understand about the classic hymns is
that they have more theology and the solid doctrine of Salvation, than any book
written ABOUT the Bible. The Lord used that and His Spirit to educate this
young woman in His Ways, in His Wonder and about His Love more than any five point
sermon or seminary class could! Christina's host told me a humorous story about her on a long
trip to another conference in the past year. Apparently, she sang hymns to the Lord
for seven hours nonstop, in the back seat of a car belonging to a couple, who
had taken her in, as they drove into the state of Arkansas to minister there! There is no other joy than to see a persecuted child of God
sing about the Savior Who freed here from an eternal prison!
Now this is the age of technology and all that. It is the
age of big money from some big churches (and mostly medium sized ones) to
finance foreign missions. But there is a reason Jesus Christ gave us the Acts
1:8 challenge in this order. Jesus said in Acts 1:8b “…and you shall be my
witnesses…in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth". The
Lord is giving the following command to us, His Disciples, to go to: "Jerusalem (Home); Judea and Samaria (the Nation) and the “ends
of the earth” (Foreign missions). Many of our modern Christians would rather
support or even go on only foreign missions (all good things) for a week or so, and think their work is done. I have spoken to some of the recipients of this good charitable work (mostly from Africa and the far East). While they are grateful for rich Americans giving so much to them, they do tell me that our money is wasted by having these youth or young adult groups trying to build structures for them, when it would better to teach the residents how to do it and let them fish and make a living!!! But for our fellow citizens, it is easier to do, for instance to skip the first two (Jerusalem and Judea/Samaria) and write a check to support a mission. Then we can sit back abd do
nothing for Kingdom work right where they live, 100% of the time (these are my words,
not Pastor Ronnie Floyd)!
So it was not just heart -warming, but positively inspiring
for me to hear this testimony from the good pastor and a man I consider my true brother. One thing he teaches
his 17,000 plus members in Springdale is to reach their own town for Christ and
speak to them culturally, personally and with love. The Marshall Islands
became part of the American system and played a prominent role during World War
II. They are as far away from the US mainland as closer to the coast of
Northeastern Australia than northwestern Arkansas! Yet, out of a Marshall
Island population of 75,000, about 8000 live in that part of the US! They
came there to work for Tyson Foods, producers of fine frozen chicken!
Cross Church and Pastor Floyd found out about this UPG
(unreached people group) and he sent out his teams to befriend and fellowship
with these wonderful 8000 folks and reach them for the saving Gospel of
Jesus! That is exactly what happened. Small bible study groups were formed and
then suddenly, within a short period of time, a Marshallese language church grew up out of that. They meet
every Sunday afternoon at Cross Church! Then Campus Crusade (for Christ) heard
about this new Marshallese church in Arkansas. Campus Crusade (founder, Bill
Bright) had made the massively popular JESUS FILM which has been seen by over 1
billion people since 1979! Many of us cut our teeth on this magnificent film!
It so happens that Marshallese is one of the few languages
left which the Jesus film has never been translated into! Well, faith and
begorah, they did not have to send a team for years into the hinterlands of the
Marshall Islands! They just went across to Northwest Arkansas and the
Marshallese, in Cross Church, translated the entire Jesus movie for
Campus Crusade!! They then took the movie to the Marshall Islands (which is over 4
hours south of Hawaii) and are reaching many in the countryside for Christ, who
are getting saved by the hundreds! The Gospel is getting to the ends of the
earth….all because some faithful Christians in Arkansas went out into their
Jerusalem to love on some 8000 people, who looked, dressed and talked different
from them! This is the Kingdom! This is the real deal! This is what Heaven will
be like with every tribe and tongue in front of the Throne of Christ! As
Pastor Ronnie says “they thought they came for chicken – THEY GOT CHRIST!”
This walk with the Lord Jesus is just too much for words
sometimes, for me. Moments like these, where we see the Hand of God as He directs the events and lives of His people floor me. This should bring to mind the following from Psalm 40:5 "Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders You have done. The things You planned for us no one can recount to You; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare".
The Kingdom of Heaven is like the story happening in your sphere of influence, right now. Open the eyes of your heart, right now. Take the eyes of yourself for a minute and catch it, right now. Don't miss it, because you will miss the essence of the intimacy, joy and the Walk of the true believer/son/daughter of the Eternal God of the Universe, Who reigns from the Heavens! Why not start today?!
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Theocentric Group ( is the independent publisher of great books about the modern condition of the human experience, in relation to Creator God.
Based on the Doctrines of Grace ad solid biblical principles, authors under Theocentric's umbrella speak to the issues of modern life, according to the Biblical Worldview.
If you downloaded my ebook "Danger Zone" for free today and are interested in books of this genre, please go to and click on their website - - and "LIKE" their Facebook page in the center of the website homepage!
Also, visit their bookstore for reasonably priced and life application books by Martin Murphy and others!
Based on the Doctrines of Grace ad solid biblical principles, authors under Theocentric's umbrella speak to the issues of modern life, according to the Biblical Worldview.
If you downloaded my ebook "Danger Zone" for free today and are interested in books of this genre, please go to and click on their website - - and "LIKE" their Facebook page in the center of the website homepage!
Also, visit their bookstore for reasonably priced and life application books by Martin Murphy and others!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
from now until Saturday November 17, 2012
Read more about what DANGER ZONE is about, click this link on the Business Men in Christ website
A special thank you to Martin Murphy and the Theocentric Publishing Group of Chipley, Florida! PLEASE LIKE THE THEOCENTRIC FACEBOOK PAGE HERE:
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @bernielutchman
The publishers of my book DANGER ZONE is Theocentric Publishing Group, has just posted it as an ebook on (click here) and will be giving away the ebook FREE, later this day until Saturday!
Please check back later, for your free download of DANGER ZONE - the issue of Biblical leadership in the Body of Christ and how to stay the course in these perilous times!
Please check back later, for your free download of DANGER ZONE - the issue of Biblical leadership in the Body of Christ and how to stay the course in these perilous times!
Thank you,
Bernie Lutchman, author.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Marc Martel is the son of a Canadian choir director and the powerfully gifted lead singer of the Christian group DOWNHERE. These talented singers, who all met at Briar Cliff College in Saskatchewan, Canada, are concert favorites all over the U.S. - from church halls to outdoor music events like the three day outdoor Agape Festival at Greenville, Illinois.
Recently, DOWNWHERE (click here for their songs) disbanded for a variety of personal reasons - most of them good. Except one - Martel is off to join the 1980's rock band on tour QUEEN for a three month tour. His voice sounds eerily like that of Queen's late singer Freddie Mercury, who died from AIDS a long time ago. Now Queen's music is everywhere - from Hockey games to college football and even the London Symphony (Bohemian Rapsody, We Will Rock You, We are the Champions etc). That is good for them.
But can a man take fire into his bosom and not be burned (Proverbs 6:27)? After reading the interview with Marc Martel and the complete lack of discernment of both him and his wife about this Queen thing and all the promotional secular hoopla surrounding it, a couple things struck me. One is this- it is no wonder the church has lost its salt in flavoring the world. We have brought the secular, corrupt and fleshly world culture into the Body of Christ and think nothing of it. All the big music million dollar hits aside, have this couple even researched the background of QUEEN to see how they lived and how they got where they did? What next, Michael W. Smith sings Lady Gaga?!! By the way, Smitty would never do that.
Two, I reject the notion put forth by some that you have to engage the culture, and be like them, to change it. Yes, you engage those who walk in the world - but you do so in love WITHOUT compromising the Gospel of Christ- that is, the Gospel of Truth, Holiness, Repentance and Righteousness. The reason this move by the DOWNHERE lead singer is so important AND troubling is this - nowhere in his talks and especially this principal interview with the Christian Post does he even mention God, reaching another audience for Christ or using this as a tool for reaching the lost and dying who follow these groups. He is not alone in this so-called young evangelical world, where now over 57% of them believe there is another way to heaven than Jesus Christ!
In the final analysis, while Mr. Martel is probably going to come out of this three month stint with QUEEN with his career intact, by doing this he has cheapened the Cross and the exclusivity of the Gospel and what it means to be a true follower of Christ. By appearing on some of the TV shows and platforms he will have to, in order to promote and make this worldly adventure successful, he will be showing the culture that there is no clear line between then and Christ....and this is what is so sad, because his young fans in the Christian music world will now be more willing to walk in doublemindedness than ever.
By the way, in advance and anticipation of being now classified as a "fuddy-duddy" and a "wet blanket" and an old dude who can't see the value of this - I accept those names gladly, in order to have just a closer walk with Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our Faith, who dined with sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors - to show them a more excellent way - then moved on to save the world, amen.
Recently, DOWNWHERE (click here for their songs) disbanded for a variety of personal reasons - most of them good. Except one - Martel is off to join the 1980's rock band on tour QUEEN for a three month tour. His voice sounds eerily like that of Queen's late singer Freddie Mercury, who died from AIDS a long time ago. Now Queen's music is everywhere - from Hockey games to college football and even the London Symphony (Bohemian Rapsody, We Will Rock You, We are the Champions etc). That is good for them.
But can a man take fire into his bosom and not be burned (Proverbs 6:27)? After reading the interview with Marc Martel and the complete lack of discernment of both him and his wife about this Queen thing and all the promotional secular hoopla surrounding it, a couple things struck me. One is this- it is no wonder the church has lost its salt in flavoring the world. We have brought the secular, corrupt and fleshly world culture into the Body of Christ and think nothing of it. All the big music million dollar hits aside, have this couple even researched the background of QUEEN to see how they lived and how they got where they did? What next, Michael W. Smith sings Lady Gaga?!! By the way, Smitty would never do that.
Two, I reject the notion put forth by some that you have to engage the culture, and be like them, to change it. Yes, you engage those who walk in the world - but you do so in love WITHOUT compromising the Gospel of Christ- that is, the Gospel of Truth, Holiness, Repentance and Righteousness. The reason this move by the DOWNHERE lead singer is so important AND troubling is this - nowhere in his talks and especially this principal interview with the Christian Post does he even mention God, reaching another audience for Christ or using this as a tool for reaching the lost and dying who follow these groups. He is not alone in this so-called young evangelical world, where now over 57% of them believe there is another way to heaven than Jesus Christ!
In the final analysis, while Mr. Martel is probably going to come out of this three month stint with QUEEN with his career intact, by doing this he has cheapened the Cross and the exclusivity of the Gospel and what it means to be a true follower of Christ. By appearing on some of the TV shows and platforms he will have to, in order to promote and make this worldly adventure successful, he will be showing the culture that there is no clear line between then and Christ....and this is what is so sad, because his young fans in the Christian music world will now be more willing to walk in doublemindedness than ever.
By the way, in advance and anticipation of being now classified as a "fuddy-duddy" and a "wet blanket" and an old dude who can't see the value of this - I accept those names gladly, in order to have just a closer walk with Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our Faith, who dined with sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors - to show them a more excellent way - then moved on to save the world, amen.
Monday, November 12, 2012
There is no fiesta, without tacos! Tacos are the ideal buffet food, perfect for
any family-fun gathering! Instead of meatloaf Monday; or fish Friday or salad
Sunday, why not go for this one! Ana and Cheri have prepared a great dish for
us to take a run at, big time! I hope you like it as we kick Tacos, our
Mariachi Meal of the Week, up to a new height! Woot! (BL)
Tortillas (corn
tortillas for a stiff taco shell, flour tortillas for a soft taco shell)
Cooked & Seasoned ground beef, cubed steak, shredded
pork, cubed chicken, or flaked seafood (Vegetarians can substitute meat
for beans, as pictured at bottom)
Grated Cheeses, Monterey Jack (white) and Colby or
Cheddar (orange)
Shredded Iceburg Lettuce (thinly sliced with a plastic cook's
knife & the edges won't brown, or rip into small pieces)
Chopped Tomatoes
Chopped Onions
Sliced Jalapenos
Sour Cream
Sliced Olives
Fresh Guacamole and Salsa (instructions found under Saucy Salsas)
Simply place each ingredient into a taco shell, in order, as
listed above, and serve!
Tacos are also the ideal serve-yourself-buffet meal,
by placing any combination of the above-listed ingredients in separate
serving dishes, will allow guests to make their own unique tacos, as in the
variations pictured below. Have fun!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
JESUS SAID THIS: “Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:20).Today is the International Day of Prayer for the worldwide persecuted church. No matter where you are - church, basement, living room or driving on the interstate on the way to grandma's, please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who are suffering most of their lives for the Gospel of Christ. They are tortured, jailed, killed and maimed for just believing in the Gospel of all Love, Truth and Righteousness. Their humble huts; homes and houses of worship are burned down and destroyed by hordes of extremists atheists, moslems, hindus and other dictators as in Myanmar (Burma), Viet Nam, Cuba and Venezuela.
But it is not just the usual persecutors of the people of God and Christ, specifically. In the "civilized" Western world, persecution has come to the Body of Christ....and not just from the hands of atheists and those who want no accountability for their personal actions in public or private, but even, in a sense, by the mostly wealthy North American churches, who ignore these persecuted saints around the world, because it is easier to do that. That way, we can pretend all is well, as long as it is well with my own soul. Apart from the Catholic church hierarchy, Billy Graham and a few others, no one is speaking out about the fact that BIBLE PUBLISHERS, TYNDALE - are being forced to pay for contraceptive and abortion pills, which is against the principles of Jesus Christ and the Law of God (fornication, taking of a human life etc), but against the United States Constitution!
First of all, it SHOULD BE well with your own soul BEFORE you pray for anyone else, because God only hears the pray of a "righteous man" - or those who are born again ("We know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him - John 9:31). But come on, fellow believers, the minute you think what is happening in Eygpt (where Coptic Christians are literally nailed to crosses) or Eritrea, Africa, (where Christian are stuffed in containers in the heated to live in filthy conditions); or Pakistan or India or Saudi Arabia or Iraq (where 1 million Chaldean Christians have been persecuted and chased from their 2000 year old homes because the United States "liberated" Babylon and removed Saddam Hussain) ...that is when we step out of line with God's thinking. We put our heads in the sand, while all of this is happening around the world. The US government is not any better as the only lawmaker in Washington DC who speaks out is Congressman Frank Wolf (R-Virginia). CLICK HERE....and HERE to see the status of official slighting of the Persecuted by US politicians. None of the presidential or other candidates for national office paid any attention to the matters of God, no matter what their campaign literature said. It is up to us, the regular folks, and us alone!
So what are we to do, when church and government leaders only pay lip service to Religious and literal human dignity? We turn to God. We turn to Him Who is the only True Judge of the Universe and will deal with all of these people in time. However we must do our part and pray for the persecuted - not only today, but as much as we can. We must have our small groups prayer. Teach our children to pray. Challenge our Sunday School and even our pastors and deacons - ask them to prayer. Network in the church halls during donuts and coffee, and show them the imperative here, if need be. Get your church, small group or ministry involved in any whatever capacity. Whenever one part of the Body of Christ is persecuted, the entire Body hurts.
Click HERE to find out FOR WHOM we could pray today and the hot spots around the world, where the worst forms of human degradation is occurring. Pray and pray hard, because America is next in line.
"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil things against you because of Me" Matthew 5:11
The following is an example from Mission Resources of HOW we can set our minds in the proper frame and our inner man, in sync with the Holy Spirit, to pray for the persecuted church:
How shall we pray for the suffering in our global church family? The basic prayer guidelines that follow, along with Bible studies, sermons, and resources, are available in a free online ebook resource at (see pages 214-215). ere are some practical ways that you, and those you mobilize and gather for prayer, can effectively pray for persecuted believers around the world.
1. Pray Sensitively - Hebrews 13.3 teaches us to, “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Here, in no uncertain terms, God is reminding us to sensitively put ourselves in the place of others. With Christian compassion and empathy, we are to identify with our brothers and sisters in persecution as if we were there with them, enduring the same hardships together.
2. Pray Scripturally – As we follow key word searches throughout the Bible, using words like “persecution,” “suffering,” “tribulation,” multiple stories and incidents of individuals and the collective people of God in their suffering will begin to emerge. These were real people suffering real persecution. Their stories, filled with their responses to suffering, form a pattern for our personal prayer time and also for group Bible studies and intercessory prayer.
For example, some intercessors pray through the Psalms, using the models of David’s prayers as he cries out for refuge, rescue, deliverance, and preservation. Here are just a few of his cries for help:
“Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men” (Psalm 71.4)
“Be not far from me, O God; come quickly, O my God, to help me” (Psalm 71.12)
“Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who
pursue me, for they are too strong for me. Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name” (Psalm 142. 6-7)
“O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief” (Psalm 143.3).
We can pray and plead those same phrases – and hundreds like them in scripture and on behalf of our suffering family around the world. In scripture, God gives us words, thoughts, models, directions in our intercessory praying on behalf of our family in trouble. An elderly Methodist lay preacher named “Uncle Am” always had assurance his prayers would be answered. A young preacher asked for his secret. “Young man,” he said, “learn to plead the promises of God.”
Praying scripturally includes not only praying for the persecuted but also praying for the persecutor (that they too, will be saved). Therefore, let us now pray....
Millions of contemporary believers in Jesus Christ are currently “following his steps” as they endure persecution. According to scripture, as our family they belong to us and we belong to them. Therefore, we must pray for those suffering persecution.
How shall we pray for the suffering in our global church family? The basic prayer guidelines that follow, along with Bible studies, sermons, and resources, are available in a free online ebook resource at (see pages 214-215). ere are some practical ways that you, and those you mobilize and gather for prayer, can effectively pray for persecuted believers around the world.
1. Pray Sensitively - Hebrews 13.3 teaches us to, “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Here, in no uncertain terms, God is reminding us to sensitively put ourselves in the place of others. With Christian compassion and empathy, we are to identify with our brothers and sisters in persecution as if we were there with them, enduring the same hardships together.
2. Pray Scripturally – As we follow key word searches throughout the Bible, using words like “persecution,” “suffering,” “tribulation,” multiple stories and incidents of individuals and the collective people of God in their suffering will begin to emerge. These were real people suffering real persecution. Their stories, filled with their responses to suffering, form a pattern for our personal prayer time and also for group Bible studies and intercessory prayer.
For example, some intercessors pray through the Psalms, using the models of David’s prayers as he cries out for refuge, rescue, deliverance, and preservation. Here are just a few of his cries for help:
“Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men” (Psalm 71.4)
“Be not far from me, O God; come quickly, O my God, to help me” (Psalm 71.12)
“Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who
pursue me, for they are too strong for me. Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name” (Psalm 142. 6-7)
“O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief” (Psalm 143.3).
We can pray and plead those same phrases – and hundreds like them in scripture and on behalf of our suffering family around the world. In scripture, God gives us words, thoughts, models, directions in our intercessory praying on behalf of our family in trouble. An elderly Methodist lay preacher named “Uncle Am” always had assurance his prayers would be answered. A young preacher asked for his secret. “Young man,” he said, “learn to plead the promises of God.”
Praying scripturally includes not only praying for the persecuted but also praying for the persecutor (that they too, will be saved). Therefore, let us now pray....
Saturday, November 10, 2012
by Bernie Lutchman
The 22-minute movie (WATCH HERE FOR FREE: “Butterfly Circus”) has been seen by over 20 million people worldwide, and has won the following awards: Clint Eastwood Filmmaker; Crystal Heart; the Vision Award for Best Short Film, and the Audience Favorite Award at the 2010 Heartland Film Festival. It also won Best of Show at the Fargo Film Festival, and the Best Short Film from the Feel Good Film Festival at the Historic Egyptian Theater in Hollywood! RECOMMENDED: FIVE STARS!
Set in Depression-Era America, when traveling circuses and sideshows abounded; Butterfly Circus stars the well-known Mexican actor, Eduardo Verastegui, and was written, directed, and produced by Joshua and Rebekah Weigel. However it is Nick Vujicic, playing “Will”, who steals the show!
Called the “Limbless Man” by the cruel owner of a fairground sideshow, Will is exploited, insulted, and abused for financial gain, until he encounters the kind Mr. Mendez (Verastegui) causing him to stow away in Mendez’ vehicle, to join the Butterfly Circus.
It is at the Butterfly Circus that Will is transformed from a hopeless, angry, young man to become an inspiration to other physically-challenged young people! From "the man whom God Himself has turned His back upon” (and so full-of-hatred) Will grew to be a man inspiring the phrase "the greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph” under the kind-but-tough love Mendez, and others, offered him at the Butterfly Circus.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
These past 40 days has been one difficult, spiritually charged time. While religious liberty went down in flames to those who have always chosen the world over the eternal things of Father God, the Truth of the Lord still stands strong. Therefore, on this final day of prayer and intercession for this season, for this nations future, in no particular order, here are some some significant prayer focal points, as we head into an even greater season of uncertainty:
1. We are still under a mandate from heaven to pray for those who are government leaders. The ancient Hebrews hated the Romans, but the former hater - the Apostle Paul - ended up relaying the Word from Jesus Himself that we ought to pray for "kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity (1 Timothy 2:2). Now this was not the case then, nor is it the case now. Godliness lost at the ballot box to worldliness! Gay marriage was even voted into law in two states - Maine and Maryland. God will not be mocked by that, but in the meantime, let's still pray for our leaders that they end up following God, like Nebuchanezzar did.
2. We are still under orders to pray for one another, admonishing each other and praying in the Spirit. We will be under increasing persecution as there are not enough votes in the US Senate to stop certain laws to impose on Religious Freedom. A distinction is now being made by some of our rulers between "worship" and "absolute religious freedom" (for Christians only). They want the Christian church to keep their (our) Christianity INSIDE the church only, so that the secularists can, basically, run wild creating a society according to man. This has never worked out in the past, both when Israel rejected God and now, as America has seemed to. Pray for the persecuted church, therefore, which will begin one day, in our own cities and towns.
3. We must pray for the future of our children. Apart from the fiery world events coming down the pike - from a nuclear Iran and continuing danger from islamic terrorists - our children have been burdened with, currently, a portion of the national debt totalling over $218,000!! America voted to continue this, not caring that the money to finance all of this uncontrollable spending is coming from communist/godless China! Combine this with the high cost of any type of college education (due to fat-cat liberal education faculty and systems) and then with our kids having no hope of a career after graduation, our children's futures are truly bleak.
4. Finally, pray for churches who are now part of the a corrupt Culture which God despises. Apart from very few exceptions, almost all American churches are worthless, feckless and lacking any moral courage or depth or resolve to stand for Biblical integrity and truth. When you can name the few Evangelical leaders or preachers who have stood up for just plain decency or Biblical values and freedom in the past two years, we have a soul problem. America's famous pastors seem more interested in schmoozing and grinning with Oprah, than proclaiming "thus sayeth the Lord"! When the chief defenders of Religious Liberty and Biblical Values - Apart from Billy and Franklin Graham - turned out to be America's Catholic Bishops, we have a heart problem! Woe to those famous American preachers, apart from the Grahams; David Jeremiah; Tony Evans and John MacArthur, who remained silent, hoping this would all go away.
The bottom line is this - pray about everything and let the Lord, Who is always in control, work and rule and guide and direct every decd, every thought and every word which proceedeth from thy mouth, in Jesus' Holy Name, amen!
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