The Formula, (A)
Therefore, here are following brief items - all attributes we must develop, if we wish to have the MINDSET or the worldview of a son or daughter of the Living Christ. I will break down Philippians 4:8 phrase by phrase, with a brief explanation:
The Formula, (A)
Since Sunday, we have been examining, not just how to have a positive attitude and frame of mind about life or things in general, but the foundational mechanisms. We showed how we must have a fix foundation to build off from, and that cornerstone is the Word of God.
The foundation has to be the Bible or the Word of God. From the Foundational Truths of the Bible, we derive the final step - the Formula!
The dictionary meaning of the word "FORMULA" is "a set form of words, as for stating or declaring something definitely or authoritatively, for indicating procedure to be followed, or for prescribed use on some ceremonial occasion". (
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
We have been looking at the Word of God, to 'think on these things', with methodical precision. There are several meanings for being reasonable and methodical. God is a God of reason....He said so "Come let us reason together...." He said so in Isaiah 1:18
Therefore, here are following brief items - all attributes we must develop, if we wish to have the MINDSET or the worldview of a son or daughter of the Living Christ. I will break down Philippians 4:8 phrase by phrase, with a brief explanation:
Whatever is True - Read the Book of 1 John and know what the Truth is. The Truth is the Gospel. The Truth is Jesus - He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Anything else is a counterfeit....and to be rejected.
Whatever is Honorable - Honor is in short supply today. Daily in the news, we read of some public official who has fallen due to moral failure or law-breaking. But it is not just that. Honor can be something as simple as returning a valuable item you found, or giving the change back when the cashier gives you too much back at the store etc. While the big things matter, God looks at the little things to see how well you did them!
Whatever is Just - Love justice, my friends. Believe in it. God sent prophets against Israel or this or that evil King in the Old Testament because they were unjust to the poor, widows and orphans. But not just them. Today we see the evil and the crooked apparently getting away with everything short of murder, while the honest God-fearing person is struggling.
Let not your heart be troubled. Their day is coming. Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, declares the Lord. He will not let sin or corruption slide. Therefore, YOU, as much as it depends on YOU - do your part!
(image by google images)