Tuesday, November 8, 2011


FALLING NO MORE..........!!!

One major attribute of our on-going series on Encouragement and Encouraging the Saints (and those who want to be) is PEACE....as in Peace of mind!

Do you have that? In the past days,  I have posted testimonies from fellow believers - man and women - who came through storms, hurricanes and nightmares in their lives- sometimes over and over again!

I can identify with them because I have had similar experiences! I am sure you may have had them too! I have lost track of those times in my younger years (teens and early 20's) when I would be sleeping and wake up in sweats.

So many times I would be falling into a colorless vacuum, and screaming - WITH NO SOUND COMING OUT OF ME!

So many times I would be chased by sometime or other...and screaming - WITH NO SOUND COMING OUT OF ME!

So many times I would be going around and around the same building in a circle....sort of like the gerbil running on the spot in its cage.

So many times I would be made uncomfortable in my current state...and never be at full rest.

I know now what it means. God was getting my attention. He does that to those He calls out of their sin into His Marvelous Light.

I don't know if you love to read the biographies of some of the greatest men and women of the Faith, but I do. As a perennial student of revival,  it is worthwhile to study those whom God is working on to shake us free from our fall into oblivion. One such man I will write about soon, is Peter Cartwright. He is not well known in modern 'religious' or christian circles, but the Spread of the Gospel into the American Midwest - mainly Illinois, Kentucky etc is directly related to Peter.

What Peter went through is what God leads us through, where He shows us our worthless self and the total depravity of our sins!

When I was having all those, vivid and now very scary dreams and visions and nightmares,  I know now that the Lord was showing me my lost estate! He was showing me what would happen if I continue in my current state - I would fall into oblivion and NO ONE COULD HELP ME! 

All that screaming etc where no sound would come out of my mouth, showed my helpless situation! Also the reason no one could hear me, is because He wanted me to know that HE was the only One who could hear me...and thus, save me!

No one could help me because no one could save me - BUT GOD! No one. I grew up in the church, knew nothing of being born again, went to confirmation classes etc etc...missions trips, youth groups, preaching my first sermon at age 14...and I was as lost as lost can be!

My gratitude NOW and for years now, at being called out of darkness cannot be measured. Now I seek to please Him and be not disobedient.

Now I seek to put this verse into action from Genesis 4:7 "You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master."

My friends, ignoring these literal wake up calls is deadly. If you are battered about in your spirit by the spirit of unease or falling into a bottomless pit or crying out for help and no one hears you - DO NOT IGNORE IT!! SIN IS CROUCHING AT THE DOOR! IT WILL RUIN YOU ETERNALLY, IF YOU DO NOT CRY OUT LIKE PETER "LORD, SAVE ME"!!


Cry out in a panic now - and He is faithful and true to save you! I know it! I know it personally. Amazing Grace, how sweet that sound, which saved a stinking wretch like me!

In the Name of Jesus, AMEN!

(image by bing images)

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