DAY 14
Great miracles of God's amazing Healing Hand are not just found in the Sacred pages of the Bible!I can personally testify to His Great Physician's Touch in my own life and those of my family.
God has promised, since Exodus 15:26 that “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your healer.” (or JEHOVAH-RAPHA)
He gave us one of His many names right here! Notice, that proclamation of His Name as the God Who heals is in the present tense (I am)! After that, the millions of Israelites lived 40 years in the desert without getting sick or their shoes wearing out! Later in, during the time of the Prophet Isaiah, God healed King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-11).
After being told by God that he should put his house in order as he was going to die, the good King wept and cried out to the Lord and asked the Lord to remember how faithful he, Hezekiah was to God. God told Isaiah to tell the king that God heard the king's prayer and that his life would be extended by 15 years!
The Lord Jesus not only healed the sick, lame and cast out demons, but He raised Lazarus from the dead, in order to show the Power of God! The book of John said that if all the miracles and acts of the Lord Jesus were written down, there would not be enough books in the world to contain it!
Today, because of the Power and Authority of the Holy Spirit, Jesus has transferred His power to heal the sick and some have even come back from death in the Emergency and other rooms in a hospital! We all know people who have been touched by His Healing Power. James 5:14 says "Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord".
Today, not just the elders of the church, but any believer, who has a close walk with the Lord, can do that. That is - YOU AND I! In my life, one of the ministries the Lord has blessed me with is a prayer ministry. For years now, I have both entreated the Lord in intercession for many a person, friend or foe and occasionally, would anoint and lay hands on. Right now, I pray for people in other countries whom I have not even met except through Facebook and Twitter...yet the Lord knows them and has healed...because He wants to. I have no power at all. All I am and have is the ability to plug into the Source of all Goodness, Mercy and Compassion.
So Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You gave us the privilege of approaching the Throne of Grace in the hour of our deepest need. I thank You that we need no mortal intermediary to come before You, on bended knee, to seek Your counsel, Grace and Favor on behalf of others, and at times, our own selves.
We thank You Lord for embedding Your Holy Spirit within us Who gives us the power and authority to call upon Your Name in these circumstances for cry out for the healing of disease; the healing of hearts and yes Father, even at times, the complete healing of body, mind and soul, in the Name of Jesus.
This is not a gift we take lightly, Lord, but one of wonder, amazement and one that require our total humility and purity as we approach You for Your Hands of Healing on those whom we pray for.
We thank You, oh most Merciful Father and Creator of our Lives, Who knows every cell in our body, Who knows our every hurt and pain and Who has also set the very hour of our death in Your books....We...who are called by Your Name, are just so grateful You have chosen us to be the object of Your compassion and the delegation of Your Authority in this regard and we promise to use it for the Glory of Your Most Holy and Majestic Name, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen and amen!!
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