Non-christians are the ones who fling the word "Justice" around more than any of us. However their notion of Justice is a misappropriation of the word to their own selfish personal or political desires. Unless they are actually saved before they die, the majority of the world will face a Justice of which they have no clue!
The world uses Justice from the Bible to mean an unbiblical use of "social justice" which is code for socialism or a state run redistribution of wealth. Whereas God's Justice is something completely different.
God's Justice is and will continue to be the downflow of His Holiness. You cannot comprehend God Who is Just without knowing about the God Who is Holy.
God is Holy, Holy, Holy. There is no imperfection to be found in Him. His standards are so high that no man can attain to or reach it. We who are saved have to grow in His Grace, through the process of sanctification because He has called us OUT of this world to be set apart for His Kingdom. This calling and 'setting apart' is the Clarion Call to walking in Holiness.
Scripture says "be ye Holy as I am Holy"....set apart, consecrated...and without Holiness, no one will see God.
The saved therefore are set apart from the Judgment of God against the rest of the world, which will occur before the Great White Throne. They will be judged according to their deeds and told why they will spend eternity away from God before condemned, because God is Just.
He is Just because He is jealous to protect His Holy Name. He has given men and women free will and we have broken everyone of His Laws. We have ill-treated and oppressed His people through out time, in various forms and more.
We all know Romans 3:23 says we have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. But we should read the next several verses to get the Flavor of what that all means. Here it is ":...and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus"
(Romans 3:24-26 ESV)
Pray with me right now as we both read and worship Him through this Bible Passage:
Father in the Name of Jesus I come humbly to You and thank You for Your wonderful Grace, compassion and mercy to me and all the saints whom You have called out of this dying world, since creation and the fall.
When we deserved punishment, You gave Grace
When we deserved destruction, You sent Salvation
When we deserved Your Wrath, You gave us Your Mercy
When we deserved Your Judgment, You opened Your Heavenly Home!
Lord our puny minds cannot grasp the full measure of Your love for man, Your creation.
Even when You banished us from the Garden of Eden, You sacrificed an animal to cover up Adam and keep him comfortable.
Even after You flooded the earth, You gave Your rainbow as a covenant promise to never do that again and then You gave us a fresh start!
Even when Your chosen Israel worshipped pagan gods fully and turned their backs on You, You sent Your prophets and messengers to not just warn them of coming doom, but to show them that if they repented and turn from their wicked ways, Your mighty arms of Love would be opened Lord!
Even when You saw people walking in darkness and they saw a great light for three years with Jesus' ministry and STILL persecuted and killed Him, You held Your only Begotten Son up as the Peace offering between You and them and us!
Father, time after time, You keep giving us time! You have not forgotten our sins. You have not compromised Your Holiness. You have not all of a sudden said that You did not mean half or any of the Words, commands and demands in the Scripture. You did none of that!
You are giving us more time because You want that none will perish and die and that each of us would have a chance to be saved and come to a saving knowledge of the Truth. You desire that none die because of our arrogance, pride and self-delusion. The self deception is that we, mortal men, can talk and out perform good deeds thinking this is good enough to get us into Heaven when YOU ARE CLEAR THAT IT IS ONLY THROUGH THE SHED BLOOD OF CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH AND ITS CLEANSING THAT YOU WOULD ACCEPT US! Why can't get that through our thick skulls Abba Father!
God if we asked for and got Your Justice we would not stand in the terrible Day of the Lord! You gave us the way we should live in Micah 6:8 and I thank You for Your clear directions in my life, Heavenly Father. In Micah 6:8 You said
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8 ESV)
Therefore I resolve this day to do Justice favorable to You.
I resolve to love and minister in kindness, according to Your Grace to me.
I resolve humble myself and throw myself daily to the Foot of the Cross and walk humbly and under the Authority and Lordship of my Savior - Jesus Christ and it is in His Name I commit and affirm all these things, amen and amen.
(image courtesy google images)
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