And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. (Matthew 24:4-8 ESV)
The end is not yet, with the biggest storm in years to hit America, but it will feel like it to those living in the eye of the approaching Frankenstorm Sandy - the "mother of all storms"! The unusually late (in the year) hurricane, combined with a massive cold front from the northwest (as you see in this satellite photo); driving winds; rain; snowfall; cold; knocked out electrical power....and what Jesus calls in the Matthew 24:8 above "the beginning of the birth pains" are happening today and early this week as Sandy slams America on the east coast. By the way, the actual meaning of "birth pains or pangs" is "odin" or severe agony!
When you combine this with earthquakes off Canada over the weekend, Tsunami warnings in Hawaii etc...even if they did not pan people really know what is actually coming towards us? This sort of natural disaster will be increasing in intensity as events, led by Biblical prophecy, come to a head. Creation has been groaning for the intervention of the Creator ever since sin entered the world. As the sinful, rebellious people refuse to bow to and acknowledge the Savior, the populace will begin to see some of the "severe agony" that Jesus predicted. There is one thing we know, while Americans are more prepared than others for natural disasters, many will not be able to spiritually or even, psychologically deal with what's happening, the coming storm, if you will. This is so, because there is no peace in hearts, the only peace which can be obtained from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray right now for our friends, family and fellow citizens in the eye of this massive storm, Sandy. We pray Your Hand of protection for their health, safety and peace of mind. We know there will be discomfort as Creation responds to natural conditions but we we pray that the agony and aftermath will not be too severe. Father, You predicted these days as men and women continue to turn away from You in their daily lives, and cry out to You only when there is a disaster. You know the condition of the heart and are full of compassion, pity, mercy and love for all people. Therefore, we pray that those who are beneficiaries of this Grace from You, will finally turn their hearts and eyes and minds on You, in this country and around the world, and seek the forgiveness and salvation, which come only from You, in the Mighty and Strong Name of Jesus, amen.
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