Thursday, June 30, 2011


Just Because You’re Youthful

Why is it that I feel so insecure?

People look through me at times. It’s almost as if they are impatient for me to get done saying what I am saying so they can go on to their story. It’s as if my story is irrelevant. It’s as if my presence is irrelevant and I feel like a bug sitting on their nose. It’s as if they think what they have to say is more important for my growth.
What is maturity anyway?
Is it how we dress? Is it an attitude we cock for the sake of those younger than us? Is it knowledge? Is it etiquette? Is it measured by the decisions we make or the words we speak? Is it all of the above? And when did the mature become unteachable? Did Jesus give the mature an out in the Bible? Are we ever done maturing?
A verse comes to mind whenever I face someone who views me like this (or at least acts as if they view me this way): Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity (1 Timothy 4:12 NLT). In other words, follow 1 Peter 5:3: not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock (NIV).
I will always love them though I may not feel much like loving them. In all things, I try to work through this insecurity and work on loving better; loving in spite of them; loving people because Christ loves me. This becomes an intentional step, a choice. It doesn’t always mean that what I perceive is true. It’s an attitude that I often observe. Maybe, too, it’s an attitude in me. I am after all a work in progress.
Have you ever treated someone younger as irrelevant? Did your thought that they don’t know anything ever come out in your actions and words?
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