Against nature's backdrop of white snow, the red hearts and flowers associated with this day brings warm thoughts of joy and peace and true happiness...not just because of whomever you may call "Sugarplum" or your "sweet" (is in your significant other or spouse), but just like around Christmas time, Valentine's Day softens the heart towards the people in your immediate peripheral view. We all seem to have more Grace towards humanity.
There are those who always feel left out at Christmas time, with no one to love and our hearts reach out to them in Grace. We share God's goodness with them too at this time, as so many are in pain due to both internal and external circumstances. We can walk in their shoes for a minute while sharing the good news that God is for them at all times....even when they think He is far from them. In fact when the brokenhearted think He is far away, that is when He is closest. If they would only open their hearts to Him.
It was prophesied once in Isaiah 61:1-2 and then confirmed by Him Whom it was said about when Jesus said His Mission on earth was, in part, to "comfort the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18)". We all know many who fall in that category. I see them several times per month when ministering in senior homes. I see the loneliness, fear and utter desperation. Multiply that in the workplace, church and community and you have what we see today, in a world totally devoid of Christ.
Towards that end, I like what the Founder of Dayspring Cards, Roy Lessin, once said:
There is a grace that is sufficient
a mercy that endures
an atoning blood that cleanses
a hope that doesn't disappoint
a love that never fails
a purpose that works all things together for the good
a peace that passes understanding
a joy unspeakable
a kingdom unshakeable
a foundation indestructible
a High Priest Who prays
a Savior Who lives
a Spirit Who comforts
You and I know a lot of people today, to whom we can share this..and not just today...but at any time. We can share the good news that He loves YOU because He cares for You....and will never give up on you, unless you walk away from Him.
That is the best promise ever made and the best Valentine's Day gift we can give....more fragrant than all the bouquets of roses and less calories than boxes of bon bons!!!
Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you......1 Peter 5:7 (NASB)
(images courtesy Google Images)
1 comment:
Bernie, thank you for sharing this beautiful, heartfelt Valentine message!
The vastness of our Lord's love is beyond comprehension. Indeed our Divine Valentine, He Himself IS love.
May we, as you wrote, share His gospel of love with all. He created each one of us to be in relationship - in a loving relationship - with Him. To love Him truly is to live life fully.
Thank you again, Bernie, and may God continue to bless you and your work for Him!
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