Or how about this one ...and this is both disturbing and unbiblical ..."It's your fault you're sick or got a terminal disease...YOU MUST HAVE SINNED"!...God came down hard on Job and his friends in Job 42 for speaking this same error against Him!
Then we have our favorite - the American Televangelist who says "sow a seed..."send in your best donation now....and God will pay your bills, you will have a nice house, 2 Rolex watches etc..
These two strains of "theology" are known as the Health and Wealth or Prosperity Gospel and they will get you in trouble! Big time! None of this is biblical.
What is Biblical are suffering and trials and tribulation and persecution. Christians are not YET treated here as they are in moslem countries or increasingly, in Western Europe leading Americans to a false sense of comfort which will not serve us well when the Tribulation comes.
Due to the incorrect theology of the “Pre-trib” rapture which was started in the early 18oo’s by a Margaret MacDonald’s dream, Christians here are of the notion that Jesus will rapture us out of here real soon, so everything will be nice, spice and apple pie. Nothing could be further from the truth. This false sense of security will land a lot of people in hell and hold leaders major seminaries from Dallas Theological to Moody Bible Institute to account, for preaching the error of pre-tribulation rapture.
This ease and comfort and false security have caused almost the entire body, minus the remnant, to let their guard down and let the devil in. Because spiritual warfare and demonic attacks are not nice sounding sermons, they don’t preach it in church, lest some people take their money and walk out the door.
But it is real…and so is judgment. In these last days, demonic activity and spiritual warfare have been stepped up. Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV) says here: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”.
This is a demonic structure which rules the world, for this current age.
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