Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son....(2 John 1:9)PRAYER:
Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for all Thy mercies and Thy compassions which never fail, so great is Thy Faithfulness to Thy promises and Thy Word....and forever it shall thus be. Lord God Almighty, King of the Universe Who giveth life and liberty to all the captives who lay themselves before Thee and Thy Throne in Heaven, we confess to falling short and transgressing against ALL Thy statutes and commands even after Thy hast redeemed us from the pit.
We are a fallen people, with fallen nature who are embedded with the Nature of Christ which replaced the dying Adamic Nature, yet sometimes some of us sometimes sin and fall short of the Glory of God. We repent and ask forgiveness to Thee, in the wee morning hour when our minds and bodies are refreshed by Your Creation and Your Creator as we rest and abide under the shadow of Your Wings.
But Lord, many of those who call themselves by YOUR Name and all of the dying world with its systems and religions have already gone too far and stepped outside of the Tabernacle which contains the True Teachings of Christ.
They have denied the Creator and called it the big bang where they have insulted You to their loss, by calling the Work of Your Hands "something coming out of nothing". Even some in Your church say they can believe in that lie and be called by the Name of Christ, they have blasphemed the Savior.
They have diluted Your teachings, as found in the Full Counsel of 66 Books written by the 40 authors You chose to transmit Your Scriptures, via the Holy Spirit and they have adapted it to the perversion and evil of the times, Even those who hate you are more familiar with Your Word and how to twist it to oppress others.
They have destroyed families and morals and corrupted generation after generation by taking Christ's Teachings on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7) and either completely ignored them, or rewritten them or manipulated them into man's evil philosophies of government and social policy.
They gone too far, Oh Lord, because the Word of Christ and the Spirit of Christ never rejuvenated them or brought about the New Man, through conversion from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of His Marvelous Light. They await the punishment of Matthew 7:21-23 where the Christ, in Whom they never abide will declare to them "depart from Me, I never knew you". But we, oh Lord, to whom Judgment will commence in the House of the Lord, first, may we be found faithful and true to the Master's Teachings. Thy Word, oh Lord, is written forever in the Heavens, and because of the Saving Power of Jesus Christ, His Work on the Cross and His offer to us, we are able to read the stitches on the fastball and read the pure Word of God now written and sealed on and in our hearts. We abide in that Truth, We rest in that assurance of the Promise that by accepting EVERY WORD OF EVERY PHRASE OF EVERY VERSE OF EVERY CHAPTER of Scripture, that we can abide and dwell in Your Holy and Wonderful Presence, even while here on earth, as we prepare for that day when we see You Face to face and live there forever more, through Christ our Soon Coming King. Amen.
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