Friday, January 9, 2015


Come, let us return to the Lord.
For He has torn us, but He will heal us;
He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.
“He will revive us after two days;
He will raise us up on the third day,
That we may live before Him"....Hosea 6:1-2

PRAYER: (Part 1)
Heavenly Father, we have so sinned against You that if You don't judge America and the west, You would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Lord, You are Holy, Holy Holy and we (the collective society "we") are not. Most of this world are a foul people, living under the spirit of deception that You are okay with the vile depravity, degradation, destruction and violence. Most of this world - from the Far East to Russia, to South America, Iceland, Canada and the USA - live as if You are not aware of every thought, word and deed of mankind. They think that because You have not rained down destruction as You did on Sodom and Gomorrah, whose pride rose like a vile odor before You, that You are okay with the sins of this world.

They think that because You have not sent men like Jeremiah, Elijah, Hosea and others to speak against the modern day Ahabs and Jezebels.....they think that because the false prophets in the pulpits are sailing along in their expensive clothes, multi-media empires and homes with apparent impunity....they think because they can call themselves by Your Name like the false prophets of Judah who lied to Jehoakim and Jehoachin, that You sanction their vile lies...they think they can do all of this, and You are okay with this. Judges and politicians of all stripes assume unto themselves the mantle of god, just like their father, the ancient serpent. The majority of the world say they believe there is a real God but live like the devil. They took prayer and the Bible out of school and the old accuser of the brethren, Satan, moved in and filled the gap. They, most of us, compartmentalize You. 

They put You in a Sunday box or twice a year in a Christmas and Easter/Resurrection Sunday box, just like those who practice ritual and call it relationship, but they do not know You. They do not walk in Your Ways. They practice lawlessness and call it tolerance. They practice lawlessness and call it love. They initiate iniquity and call it innovation. They transform entire institutions and societies that walked with You and call it progress. They do not know You or Your Word or Your Son Jesus Christ and will hear those searing words one day, of  condemnation and dismissal from His Holy Presence.  Your list of indictments against mankind for 2000 years is longer than the universe is vast.  Mankind has stored up so much wrath in the Heavenlies that they will not be able to stand it on the roll is called up yonder.

Still, You are a compassionate God. You are a loving God. You are a merciful God Who says that if YOUR people (Christians) who are called by YOUR Name (even the fake Christians) would repent, humble, surrender and submit to Your Word, YOU will hear from Heaven. Your Ears are always available to those pleas and cries of surrender to Your Will. The World has run so far from You that the are almost at the point of no return. We must return to the Lord. 

We as a society must return oh Lord and it must begin and with a Stop Sign. We, who are the remnant, must step up and pray and influence those around us to put on the brakes and look up and consider returning to the Lord, because what is ahead is a cliff, a step cliff with a bottomless pit at the end of it. Give us the strength this day, oh God to be bold and humble at the same be wise and not be loving but not accomodate and sanction sin and to listen to Your Spirit and not the noise of this World, we ask this in Jesus' Name, amen. 

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