Monday, January 5, 2015


Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving....
(Colossians 2:6-7)
Oh Most High God and Ruler of the Universe, You are not a God Who created and left us to our own devices but "walked with Adam" daily, in the beginning, until he sinned and walked away from you. You told Abraham to "walk before" You and be blameless (Genesis 17:1) and everyone of Your faithful generals walked before, along and then behind Your leadership. Father, Your requirement is laid out for us in Micah 6:8 "....what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? 

It is our fervent wish to be resolved, as Your servant Jonathan Edwards once did, to walk with You in that way. Oh that we would have the testimony of Enoch of whom it is written twice that he walked with you and then You "raptured" him Home. All Your faithful servants of old, from the prophets to the warriors like Joshua and David to the Apostles walked the sacrificial walk with You as they would a friend.

But Lord, You oh God, You are more than a friend. You are the God of all salvation, all truth, all majesty and all power, and we worship, adore, magnify, glorify and lift up the Name above all names, we lift up the blood-stained banner of Jesus Christ as warriors of the Cross and we loudly proclaim, from the mountaintop that Jesus Christ IS LORD and there is no other. Hallelujah to the Lamb!

Lord, give us this day the power and perseverance, as adopted sons and daughters and friends of God, to walk with You - not ahead of You, not way behind You, but WITH YOU. We know, oh God, why You told us to "walk humbly WITH" You and not all the other things.  It is because we need to recognize that the humble Savior Whose meekness in tribulation was our example, has called us to His Walk, when He ministered almost 2000 years ago. It is in humility we silence our noisy pride and self-righteousness and is in surrender we become empowered and strong in You, so much so to the point that if it were possible, post-flood, we would be able to walk 300 years with you as Enoch did!

Thank You, dear Abba Father, that we even had the opportunity to RECEIVE Christ as Colossians 2:6 says, which prequalifies us to be able to even be on that path with You! This act of Salvation, through the Spirit's regeneration and not some mindless repetition of a cheap evangelist, reminds us to also "be still and KNOW that You are God" - the ultimate act of obedience through humility. 

Thank You, most Gracious Father for this teaching that our stillness is not weakness about a proactive dwelling in Your Presence knowing that You have all our situations, troubles, cares, tears and fears under control.

Thank You, most Sovereign Lord, for the gift of Faith, with which we are indwelled and constantly maturing in, so that we can recognize the Hands and Handiwork of God weaving the narrow path through which we should walk with You. I do so with abundant and joyful thanksgiving in my heart, through Jesus Christ, our soon-coming King. Amen.

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