Read Judges 6:14-15
Text for today: “But Lord, “Gideon asked, “how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”
No Facebook or Twitter this morning.
No blog reading.
The television runs and I am mindlessly watching it. I think of the times as a child where I chose costumes that made me invisible or hid my face behind thick make-up as a young adult. I recall those moments and wonder if it did not express a desire to be invisible. In contrast, today I feel invisible instead ofwanting to be invisible. I have no need of masks or make-up today. Others unintentionally make me invisible. I question my purpose. How can I make a difference invisible?
Then, I remember the quiet force behind the people I love that work and volunteer everyday, tirelessly, and often thanklessly. Some of them are visible. Some of them are invisible either by choice or by chance. Some of their jobs are not glamorous. Not like feeding the homeless, but mundane jobs like stuffing bulletins; or setting up for church; or locking up the church at night; or rocking a baby to sleep; or a Christian behind a cash register in a secular job. While I feel one of the least, I see this verse and realize that God uses the lowly rather than the mighty to act for Him (see Genesis 25:23 and 1 Samuel 9:21).
Do I wear this invisibility with joy? I am not a child anymore preferring to hide behind a mask, but a woman who wants to serve in whatever manner God demands. I blog. I twitter. I pray. I wonder if my words impact at times and then suddenly I see an answer to prayer or get a glimpse of how those words are impacting others and feel heartened. Or someone I work with says a sweet prayer for me that is validating and I am encouraged again. I am the least. My life is average. But God can use me like He can use a small child to bring joy or the comforting touch of a friend to ease the burden of another. It’s the little things that make the difference and sometimes God gives those little things through the invisible.
Dear Lord, Help me to find contentment in the invisible preferring to give you the Glory and always the credit for the words that impact or the actions of others that help me see You more clearly. I pray that others who feel invisible or overburdened find equal encouragement as the visible that always receive validation. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thought for the Day: God uses the least for mighty things for His glory, not our own.
Have you ever felt invisible? What is discouraging you today? How can you be a vehicle for God in invisibility?
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