Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Not only is "MERRY'S CHRISTMAS" the most recommended book (eBook and Paperback) of this wonderful Christmas season, but it is a fun, warm and delightful book for the whole family. I recommend this for your eReader immediately, if possible! It is a fast read and worth your time to slow down, and remember the real joy of the season (second only to Christ).

The tale is adapted from an original screenplay by super talented professional movie producer/writer Susan Rohrer. Ms Rohrer has written other books in recent years, two of which are based on her solid Christian faith. One of those books is called "The Holy Spirit - Amazing Power for Everyday People" and the other is for single young women - "Is God saying He's the one?" Susan is an Emmy award winning producer; humanitarian and an author of this really inspiring novel.

The story revolves around Merry Hopper, a single (oft lonely) waitress who is immediately lovable to the reader. She is hired as a part - time family consultant by a wealthier widower whose children appear to have lost their joy and characteristics as young children....until they met Merry! The story takes a sharp turn when Merry discovers she is in love with her boss - Daniel...who is promised to another - Catherine (daughter of the bank president/owner)! Things quickly come to a head when Catherine, who is accustomed getting just about anything she wanted, soon discovered that she has competition! She confronts Merry who not only graciously steps aside from the pursuit of her own personal happiness, but actually assists her "arch-enemy" Catherine in the latter's remake of her persona as the "perfectly humble and gracious Christmas party host"! You should read the rest of the book to find out how it ends - on Christmas Day, no less!

This book is written with a very humorous yet personally engaging flair and should be Hallmark Christmas movie of the week! I give it five stars and encourage you to read it this coming weekend, the final weekend before Christmas, as you wind down your shopping and caroling! Look out for more warm, personable books by Susan Rohrer in the months and years to come!

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