Do your desires of your own already-redeemed heart sometimes work at cross purposes with the Heart of Father? Does your current conduct in the service of God, family and country contradict each other?
Do you walk in the Path of Jesus, or do you look away, look away, look away in lala land....then find yourself close to sinning, while claiming Jesus?
The answers to all three of these questions....and there are more...are YES, YES and YES! It IS possible to do Biblically correct things - in a sinful way!
Here is what JAMES 4:1 (NLT) says "What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don't they come from the evil desires at war within you?"
Sometimes we are our own worse enemy...and this is why sometimes, most young people (who call themselves Christians) do not have the same fire and spiritual energy of a 50 year old or older. This was the windup message of today's Annual Five Fold International Conference at the largest and most missions minded church in Central Illinois - iWorship Center! The fired up son of an Argentine Preacher and our dear friend - Sergio Scataglini, not only exposed a sin in ALL of today's churches, but he laid the foundation for scores and scores of people to be delivered from this cultural American- specific carnal christian attitude!
TRANSFORMATION - the name of this year's conference - is every bit as advertised! Almost every Bible conference here or anywhere else (mostly found in Bible and other conservative churches) are technically correct and beautifully done. However, they are totally devoid of the Holy Spirit sealing the Word in hearts and any sort of Spirit-filled, Life-altering transformation which leads missions to end of the earth or the new folks down the street! This is tremendous and am looking forward to the rest of this weekend's move of the Holy Ghost!
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