There is an old hymn favorite which has a couple verses we need to concentrate on, as we enter this beautiful Friday which the Lord has made! This verse sings
"Sin and despair, like the sea waves cold,
Threaten the soul with infinite loss;
Grace that is greater, yes, grace untold,
Points to the refuge, the mighty cross.
Think about that for a second. Has your faith wavered between hot and cold...even lukewarm recently? As you contemplate the tough issues of daily living and see the fearsome things out there, how about all the sin and despair you may see, or even participate in?
If a soul is in this kind of turmoil and not washed, cleansed and purified in the living giving Water He so freely gives, because of that Mighty Cross, there WILL be infinite or eternal loss.
But the Good News today is in the final verse of the hymn:
Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace,
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
You that are longing to see His face,
Will you this moment His grace receive?
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
You that are longing to see His face,
Will you this moment His grace receive?
God's Gift of Love, Peace and a life you can only marvel at is BECAUSE of His Grace, Love, Mercy and Compassion. He pours it out like fresh pressed Olive Oil from the vats of a vineyard. All you do, after acknowledging sin, is Believe and Receive! Believe is total, personal and eternal. Believe and Receive Grace, Grace, God's Grace!
This poem by Roy Lessin, founder of Dayspring Cards rounds it off for us today:
There is a grace that is sufficient;
a mercy that endures;
an atoning blood that cleanses;
a hope that doesn’t disappoint;
a love that never fails;
a purpose that works all things together for the good;
a peace that passes understanding;
a joy unspeakable;
a kingdom unshakable;
a foundation indestructible;
a High Priest who prays;
a Savior who lives;
a Spirit who comforts;
a Father who cares.
a mercy that endures;
an atoning blood that cleanses;
a hope that doesn’t disappoint;
a love that never fails;
a purpose that works all things together for the good;
a peace that passes understanding;
a joy unspeakable;
a kingdom unshakable;
a foundation indestructible;
a High Priest who prays;
a Savior who lives;
a Spirit who comforts;
a Father who cares.
Won't YOU Believe, and then, Receive, this wonderful Gift of Grace? Receive it...and live forever!
By Bernie Lutchman
(Image courtesy BING Images)
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