"Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow….Psalm 51:7

CONSIDER THIS: Several times in the Bible, the active verb “PURIFY” is used as both a plea (as in the above verse) or as a command (as in, for example, James 4:8). The latter implores us sinners to ensure that we have clean hearts, hands and minds before we present ourselves before the Lord. But the real purifying and cleansing of all the filth, scum, dross and slag of our lives is done by the Cleansing Power of the Blood of the Lamb. This supernatural red Blood from Heaven washes us as white as snow, to prepare us for the Kingdom. This is the general direction of the word. What about the specifics? How can we now apply this principle of purifying to our daily walk?
ACTION: The Action to take right now should lead us to look into the mirror of our soul, to see if we have areas in our lives which need to be exposed and cleaned out. Christians mess up all the time. We are human Do we need to be purged and purified of any shortcoming or sin today? I am sure we do. Confess it, repent, ask forgiveness from God and make it right. Most importantly, surrender each dark corner and crevice to the Lord, that He shine His cleansing light on our spirit-man and woman, and bring us closer to Him.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, We come to the Altar of Heaven and lay our burdens down right now. The burdens can be felt in our life because we have not given every aspect of our life over to You, even though we say we are Your disciples, followers and fully committed to You. We need the cleansing Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ in our lives. We need the Holy Ghost to come into every day corner of our spiritual rooms, chambers, closets, living areas and to first shine the light on our shortcomings, where we miss the mark and to then to let the purifying Power of God, to wash us as white as snow and then keep us that way, even if we may make the same mistake again. May we continue to have those occasions less and less as we grow in sanctification, by putting in the mechanism to reduce the incidence of sin in our lives, in order to grow closer to the praise and glory of Your Kingdom, in Jesus’ Holy Name, amen.
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