"... for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound….2 Timothy 2:9

CONSIDER THIS: Many things in life can have us bound – both good and bad. The good ones are the ties that bind – love, family…relationships that are healthy and Godly. The ones which do not please God are the by-products of this evil world which can bind us to it: sin, self-gratification and Satan. But Scripture above says “HIS WORD is not bound“. This means the Bible is the opposite of the unlawful, illegal and unprofitable captivity of worldly sin!
ACTION: The question today is – are there any hidden ties which are stringing you along, for which you suffer silently? Well, the good news is that the Sharp Two-Edged sword of the Word of God can cut them right now. Everything we need to guide is in life is written down in the Bible for us. Nothing is stopping us from accessing this Truth.
Heavenly Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, thank You for the Holy Spirit- Your Spirit, Who abides in the very lives of those whom You have sealed until the Day of Redemption. Help us to cut our ties to this world, which violate Your Commands. Help us to strengthen the ties to Your World, Your Kingdom, Your Son, the Savior and to everything good and true and holy. Help us to be found firmly in Your Word, to the praise and Glory of Your Name and to our own edification, in Jesus’ Strong Name amen.
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