Just as the Nazis marked Jews during World War II, with the word "JUDE", their World
War II allies - radical islam - are now the rampaging moslem hordes of ISIS through biblical Iraq/Mesopotamia are marking the homes of Christians with an "N". This N stands for Nazarene, as in Jesus the Nazarene. One of their spiritual fathers was the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini of Jerusalem. (Al-Husseini was appointed by the British and himself supported the execution and persecuted of Christians. He met with Hitler in 1941. Click here for the photo of their meeting and more information).
Before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, over 1 million Chaldean Christians have lived in what had been their home for almost 2000 years! Strangely enough, they were protected by Saddam Hussein. Since the persecution began shortly after the liberation, less than 500,000 remained until this current conquering by the Mohammedans of ISIS. The sheer brutality of this mob of dangerous invaders into the ancient land of Abraham is unsurpassed. It is not just enough for them to burn down churches and steal homes and businesses of Christians. They have issued an ultimatum of flee, "convert to Islam" at the point of a gun, or face execution. Most have fled, but as they were fleeing with their meager possessions leaving their homes behind, they are being harassed, robbed and tortured.
While close to a half a million of God's people are persecuted in stunning intensity in Iraq.....while their Syrian brethren are decapitated and run out of their Aramaic-speaking villages...while Coptic Christians were murdered by the muslim brotherhood....and even in Nigeria, while entire Christian villages, schools, pastors, homes and people are being wiped out - American church leaders and most of their flock say and do NOTHING! Absolutely nothing!
This stunning lack of courage (or caring) has been so bad that US Congressman Frank Wolf called out two well-known American preachers in November 2012, for being silent in the West while their brethren were persecuted in increasing numbers and brutality worldwide. The two preachers he called by name were John Piper and Rick Warren. John Piper is the retired pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minnesota and his Desiring God website does contain messages on the Persecuted Church. However, there is no one speaking out nationally to even ask for a concentrated prayer movement for these saints. No one expects to hear from the big money prosperity gospel preachers like Joel Osteen, Copeland and others of the Word Faith movements. Thank goodness for men like Franklin Graham who just called for Christians to stand for righteousness, truth and Biblical values. Franklin, son of Billy Graham, seems to be the only one of God's men who stands for rightouesness and Jesus Christ in these last days.
Why is this so? Why is the Western church in general, and America's wealthy preachers
silent in the face of evil and loss of religious freedom? Why are they more like a combination of the two churches of Revelation 3 (rich and squishy Laodecia) and Sardis? Jesus said He would vomit the church of Laodecia out of His mouth (Rev. 3:16) due to their safe and comfortable lukewarmth. He said of the church at Sardis in Revelation 3:1b "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead." America has had the reputation of being a "Christian nation". Jesus knows us better than that - we are dead. The church in America is navel-gazing and caught up more in self-aggrandizement than intercession, evangelism and even being a Romans 1:16 kind of church. We seem to be more interested in getting along with the world and its pagan religions, cults and culture than the one thing which has eternal consequences - the Truth of the Gospel.
The great Moody Church pastor Erwin Lutzer recounted the testimony of a member of a small German country church during World War II whose conscience led him to repent of participating in "singing louder" as the Nazi trains carrying German Jews to the death camps of the Holocaust, so they could drown out the screams. Week after week, they sang louder and louder. In the West, we don't have to sing louder because the amplified electric guitars are drowning out the screams of the persecuted world wide. All that is left for the comfortable western church to do is to keep their heads firmly planted in the sand.
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Associated Press Photo from Google Images. |
What's the solution to this "Ostrich Syndrome" where these lambs (as Jesus called His church) and their well-off under-shepherds, ( those pastors and elders who have already gotten their reward on earth)? Well, the remnant should pray...and never let up. Pray and where possible, support Voice of the Martyrs and other such ministries like Gracia Burnham's financially, rather than giving to some organization so a celebrity "worship" leader can buy another $150 pair of jeans to perform on stage on Sunday morning. This is the very least we can do. When one of our brethren hurts, we, who are turned into the Body and Will of Christ, should hurt and intercede on their behalf. It is the very least we can do.
(Google Images)
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