Sunday, February 21, 2021


 "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many….Mark 10:45

CONSIDER THIS: We live in a “me-first” society. In fact, this country, which was once the world’s economic engine, has become a land full of “Service Industry”. Simply put – we want to be served, and pay top dollar for it. The welfare mentality, created by fifty years of dependency, leads many to expect others to serve them rather than what the Bible teaches. To be like Christ, our service must be other-focused and the joyful fruit of our Salvation. After evaluating yours, are your intentions like Jesus’ in today’s verse? Do you give first…or like most (even in the church). expect to be waited on, hand and foot?

ACTION: The great bard of the 1960’s – Bob Dylan – once sang “You gotta serve somebody”. Today, how about finding someone in your circle and mine, to whom we can reach out and say “is there anything you need right now”….”can I help with anything, I know things are kind of tight with you at this moment”. Or “can I pray for anything for you and your family”? Most people are afraid or feel weird going to a mission or nursing home to minister to someone else. Now is the perfect time to step out of the comfort zone. Would you?

Heavenly Father, on this brand new day, activate the heart within me, which You placed and which I have so conveniently shoved to the side, while I only think about my own needs. Lord, I pray for an opportunity today to minister to someone who needs the special touch from the Savior, someone who needs the kind of love- today – which will show them, visibly, that there is a God Who loves them and cares about them. Lord, today, let me be Your hands and feet and mouthpiece, in Jesus’ Name amen.

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