In the same way, even though we are many individuals, Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other….Romans 12:5

CONSIDER THIS: Connectivity is not found in the bible, but its concept is. Check out today’s verse. While we may be in many types of houses every Sunday morning, we are connected by this only one fact – the God of Heaven sent God the Son to be born; live as a man and die for us, so that God the Spirit can live in us to keep us connected to both Him AND each other! Both the dying world and us will not get this fully, this side of heaven.
ACTION: Our calling is to be the CONDUIT for this Connectivity of Christ’s Children- the Church. Are you available RIGHT NOW to be used to love someone new into this exclusive Body of Believers? Christians are built for relationships – first with God, and then with each other, in the Body of Christ. Pray the Lord grows you in fellowship with the people of God, starting today in the store, gas station, office or home.
Father of Lights, oh merciful God of Heaven, thank You for yet another day, in Jesus’ Name. You made the sun to rule by day and the moon and stars to rule by night. Lord, You created us for fellowship, for relationship, to show Your love for each other, as You have loved us. Make us and in many cases, continue to use us, to be that middle man or woman, whom the world sees, that would bridge the gap between loneliness and love; between hopelessness and hope; between despair and delight; between giving up and giving You a chance. Let US stand in the gap for someone else this week, month or year to show them a better way – the Way of the Truth, the Way of the Gospel, the Way of Christ, unto Whom all praise, joy and glory belong, in His Name – the Name of Jesus we pray, amen.
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