Thursday, February 11, 2021


 REST….“Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.…Hebrews 4:11.

CONSIDER THIS: A person can be both busy, hardworking and always on the go, while at the same time, functioning from the assurance which God’s Rest gives. Are you that kind of a person? What does this mean anyway? What is this “rest” the Bible talks about and how does it apply to me?

ACTION: Read Hebrews chapter 3:7 through chapter 4:13Pray for revelation and discernment about this powerful message and passage from the Lord .

Begin a Prayer Journal or if you have a Journaling Bible, begin notes on topics like “What is God’s “rest” and then record any thoughts or difficulty you may experience truly resting in the Lord? The key is prioritizing in prayer and submission to the Will of God, so that the Work of God can proceed in and through us.

Pray and journal like this – Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus Strong Name asking for wisdom, guidance and direction about how to remain in Your Will, how to remain obedient and fully reliant on You, and still accomplish the things I am supposed to, in my daily life. Father I trust You completely in this. I accept completely the answers You will provide and I rest in this decision to fully walk in this Truth all the days of my life, in Jesus’ Name amen.


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