For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust. As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more, and its place acknowledges it no longer (Psalm 103:14-16)
The brevity of life, life at any age, is never more evident as one day seems to roll into the next into the next month, and into the next year. Time is fleeting at warp speed. It used to be that only senior citizens thought life was moving to a conclusion too fast. It is kind of like when you get to the end of the roll of paper towels, where the final few sheets coming flying off the cardboard roll, faster than newer paper towels. Nowadays, however, even younger people complain that time is moving too fast…and who can blame them?
There are so many distractions in all our lives that there are not enough hours in the day to pay attention to even, 35% of it all. There are only so many hours in the day to get work, sleep, have family time…as well as do all the things millennials think they have to do be relevant. Sadly, of the latter, none of it has eternal meaning and/or benefit to those who live like this. We know from practically every survey that most of the last two generations can be classified as NONES – that is, people who have no faith. Even worse, a vast amount of those who do, think you can practice “Cafeteria Christianity”.
Cafeteria Christianity will send a huge population of self-professing “Christians” into outer darkness, where there is eternal separation from God. Because of horrible preaching, teaching, discipleship of the Post World War II generations and the Baby Boomers, the glide path to perdition was opened up wide for the destruction of the generations we see today. Scripture, and the Holy Spirit Who guides all who are redeemed, DAILY, is more than extremely clear.
Consider the following facts:
Consider the following facts:
- We are created in the image of God.
- We were built for eternity and relationship with God.
- Adam and Eve forgot that God says they will “surely die”, and brought sin into the world.
- Because of sin, our life-spans are shortened.
- God knew us not just before He formed us in our mothers’ wombs, but before the foundation of the world.
- We were appointed to be born into the family, location and time period by God, Who then decides how long we live on this planet.
- We can be as healthy and strong as an ox, like Moses was at 120, but when God is it is time, it is time!
- Our lives can be full of beauty and good deeds, and just a joy to others. In the affluent western world, and especially in the younger generations who were not taught Godly values and morals, they think this is supposed to last forever with no pain, suffering or hard times.
- Reality is real. This means accidents will happen. Tragedies will claim the very young and even vulnerable. Nothing but the present is promised.
- God will bring all actions and beliefs into judgment. (Ecclesiastes 12:12-14) Remember the Lord in the days of your youth because most times, there is no time for death-bed conversions.
- When we were young, we wanted to be older. Now we are older, we wish we could be young again. Therefore, begin with the End in mind, because the End is within view.
- It is appointed for man to die once, and then the Judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
God knows everything about us. If a person has a real relationship with Abba Father through Christ, you know exactly that of which I speak. He created us, no matter what the pagans of the world teach or believe. He knows us intimately – when we hurt and when trouble (or good things) are heading our way. He prepares us for these things if we would only listen and pay attention. This is the essence of these three verses from Psalm 103 (14-16).
We are as easily disposable as the “grass of the field” or the beautiful flowers therein. If this only sounds like poetry, then look at your own backyard or front lawn. The grass can be beautiful and green after the Spring rains and in the summer. But look at it when the drought hits or when the Fall and Winter deprives it of the ability to grow. Then, ignore the dandelions and weeks and then look at it. Even after it is cut, it soon becomes unruly. This is the metaphor for us. If we do not remain on the alert as Christ warns us, or stay close to the Flame by daily repentance, reading or worshipping through the Word or prayer, we too will be like the chaff, which the winds driveth away.
The entire point of examining the Word of the Lord so in-depth, on this site, is to discern the Mind of God and how He wants us to live. He has told us right here about the fleeting nature of our lives. Let us them make them count, to the beauty and glory of His Name and for the benefit of others. This way, we will enter Eternity and Life in the Presence of God, with peace, joy, and contentment, in Jesus Strong Name, Amen.
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