For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:11-12
The sheer vastness and magnificence of the Universe hide the incredible depth and dimensions of its size. There is no scientist of super-computer around that can begin to measure the galaxies, systems and more of God’s Creation. As finite human beings, we need to come to terms with the sheer puniness of our being and the magnificent God Who created us.
He is a multi-dimensional God. He is always thinking and working and moving at all times. He existed BEFORE the Creation of the Earth, as recorded in Genesis and Job 38-41. There is no way to fathom Eternity Past. The only point of reference we, who are alive today have, is now. This is a momentary blip in time. Read the entire book of Ecclesiastes to see just who insignificant this modern age is, in comparison to God’s Kingdom. Yet, to each of us, it is the most consequential “blip” there is!
Psalm 103, verses 11 and 12 are great examples of the length, breadth, height, and width of God’s love. His love and grace cannot be measured. In the very distant past, a rebel named Nimrod tried to reach Heaven by building a huge Tower. That Tower could never even get close to getting out of the Earth’s atmosphere, far less reach into out of space. It is the tallest structure ever built. There is absolutely no way we can reach the top of the skies even if all the scientists and mathematicians of the world united in this one mission. This is how wide, in theory, and practice, God in His Mercy and love is for us!
These are not mere words to attempt to sound wise, holy or both! This is a fact. God’s “loving kindness” is both His pure love and mercy towards us. However, please NOTE the qualifier! Verse 11, again speaks of the unfathomable mercy of God….TO THOSE WHO FEAR HIM! Correct - This FEAR OF THE LORD comes from a healthy love, respect and awe, along with obedience TO Him because of Who He is. Instead, what we see today, more and more is those who are considered the “wise” in this world, lack any Fear of God, whatsoever.
Please be assured of this – if you fear God, keep His commands and walk daily with Him, His love for you and what He can, will and wants to do for us through the entire rest of our natural lives – knows no bounds.
In fact, He takes our transgressions – the second level of horrible sins – and throws them across the sea of forgetfulness far away from us and His sight. Horizontally, He addresses the junction of our interpersonal and divine relationships through forgiveness and His vertical Divine Grace and Love – BECAUSE WE FEAR HIM.
This is the primary benefit of the Christian. Only our sins are forgiven and we are shown grace. By the very act of accepting the finished work on the Cross, and surrendering to Jesus Christ as Lord and Master and Savior of our lives, we have shown the necessary “Fear of the Lord”, which is the beginning of wisdom. We are thus, the truly wise on this planet. (Repentance is both implicit and explicit in this entire process).
Do not be too blasé about the removal of sins far away from us. For an example, if we are forgiven the sins of alcohol abuse or lust of the eyes, we are forgiven. However, if we go dragging up the past by "remembering the good ol' days" while talking with friends or even giving a testimony, the accuser will throw your past back up into your face. He will then make you question if God really forgives you. Do NOT let that rest. Rebuke this accusation and thought and remember that he (us) whom the Son (Jesus) sets free, IS FREE INDEED! So, stay free. Leave your sins where God cast them. He threw them to the other side of the sea, forgot them and so should you! We are to rest in the position of Victory in Jesus through the forgiveness, the permanent forgiveness, of our sins. Amen.
This is the place where we desire to be, and where we will abide all the days of our lives. The ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. We were like the latter before we became the former. What an amazing blessing this is!
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