Friday, November 16, 2018


Meet Kristen Collier!  This wonderful young Michigan native, wife and mother is on the ground floor of something potentially huge in the Great Lakes/Upper Midwest region which could take Christian multi-media to a whole new level. While her action-packed Facebook group page is full of activity from a wide variety of Christian movie production and other professionals, as well as up and comers, what is little known about Kristen is the prolific side of her career as an author, and many times co-author with her husband Kevin Collier.

Here is an example of some of their books – both for adults and children, currently residing on the bookstore. I am currently reading one of her latest books called King of Glory, a fast paced Bible based fiction which is really very well done. I am, so far, very impressed by the dialogue between the characters and the solid biblical background of Ms. Collier’s writing.  In my opinion, she has an untapped potential of a screenwriter, judging from the conversations in this fast moving book!

As Kristen says, the story behind “KING OF GLORY” is and it was developed from the famous “Footprints in the Sand” poem where at the end of the poem there is only one set of footprints in the sand, after the person in the poem had walked alongside Jesus for most of the tome. At the very end of the poem, where we see only one set of footprints, we “hear the words” of Jesus saying the following, in essence – “you know, there were times in your life where you walked alongside me in the Christian life. But many times, when you see only one set of footprints – those were MY Footprints. Those were Mine because those were the times you could not make it, you stumbled and fell and then could not get up. It was I, the Lord, Who picked you up”!

Kristen's apparel website can be found here (click). Apparel will be on very soon.

Kristen also runs a chapter of the Hollywood Prayer Network, of which I am also a member. Please click here for her other social media  outlets:

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