Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Sunday November 2, 2014) and more intentional prayer meetings - in church buildings as well as online (and telephone conference calls) are going on all day, worldwide on behalf of our brethren ALL over the world. This is a grassroots and para-church led movement which is given short (or no) mention in most wealthy western churches, where the level of persecution we see in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, is not reached as of now (in the western hemisphere).
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I STAND SUNDAY is a live FREE simulcast available for all churches and home and can be accessed by clicking here, where more information is available. Speakers include President Ronnie Floyd, of the largest Protestant denomination in the world - Southern Baptist Convention; Pastor Mike Huckabee; Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and his pastor son Alan; Religion writer Todd Starnes and more. The five Houston Pastors whose free available online sermons were still subpoenaed will be featured speakers.
In addition, Open Doors is having another powerful and spirit-filled free LIVE Webcast tonight led by David Platt, well-known author (RADICAL) and leader of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board (IMB); Nik Ripken and musical guest SELAH. Click on the webcast link provided in the photo below to sign up for FREE/
Jesus told His disciples in John 15:19-20a "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A slave is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you."
There are religions and even Christian churches and certain well-known leaders which the world loves. They are loved by this corrupt world system because of compromise, complacency and even colluding with the culture. But the Lord Jesus said that you and I are not to be like them - because He has called His true church out of that system. These are the ones which the world hates. These are the ones who stand, like Martin Luther did - on the Book of Romans. These are the ones who are "Not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the Power of God under salvation" (Romans 1:16).
So Father, in the Name of Jesus, the Strong and Mighty Name - the Name above EVERY NAME, the Name Which is forbidden to speak of and mention as God in most countries, including this one, Father God we pray for Your saints, those whom You have called and elected worldwide, those who stand firm on the Truth of Christ, not just on Sunday but 24/7/365.
We pray on this, the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church that You cause Your Face to shine its Beauty, Glory, Power, Majesty and its Compassion to those who are in chains, those who are under the gun, those who are on the run, those who hunger and thirst in the natural, those who teach with limited or no resources except Your Spirit Who abideth in them. Lord we lift them up to Thee.
We particularly remember in prayer and intercession before the Throne, those who are among the KURDS in Northern Iraq, and are being decimated just like our brethren in the first 200 of Christianity. Lord these saints in Northern Iraq are left out to dry in no-man's land by the enemies of Christ, who are on all sides against Your people.
Father we also pray for our pastors in Houston and the remnant in the west who will stand, as the Scriptures says - for the Gospel, on Christ the Solid Rock. We pray for the men and women of God who shall not be moved by the culture, the world, sin, sex and satan, even when it is easy and convenient to so do. Father I also pray for the I STAND SUNDAY event in Houston where the top Christian leaders of America will stand for religious freedom, under the Authority of the Master, Creator and Commander in Chief of the whole universe - Jesus Christ and proclaim from the "mountain top" - the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Way the Truth and the Life, Whose righteousness we all seek for follow and live daily.
Father God, we love you and praise, adore, magnify, glorify and lift up Your Name to be praised because You alone are worthy, through the Name of Jesus Christ, the Ancient of Days, the Amen and the Alpha and Omega, amen and amen.
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