The PLUMBLINE bible teaching TV show has switched from the
over the air

The reach
of the former SOON Inspirations network, (now barak) is incredible and only a
testimony to the Power and the Presence of the LORD in all of this. SOON was
only fully launched three months ago, this September as the Bible Teaching side
of the SOON Entertainment Network. Soon still exists as the wholesome
subscription family entertainment internet TV network it set out to be. PLUMBLINE with Bernie Lutchman is one of the top three
programs on the new barak.TV network along with network leader “CONTEMPORARY
LIVING with Dr. Tim Henderson” and….. God Culture with John Naphor.
So what does PLUMBLINE really mean? The word comes
from another Hebrew word which means “plumb line”. The foundational Scripture
which spoke this name to me was from Amos 7:7-8 “Thus He showed me: Behold, the
LORD stood on a wall made with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His
Hand. And the LORD said to me “Amos, what do you see?” And I said “A plumb
line” Then the LORD said: “Behold, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my
people Israel; I will not pass by them anymore”. The PLUMBLINE video program
below goes into more details about this. The Plumb Line of which the LORD
Jesus spoke, was used as an illustration of how he was going to hold the people
of that time accountable…i.e. to see how they measured up against the Law of
Moses and Prophets.
Today, we have the Word of God as dispensed from Heaven, via
the Holy Spirit speaking through over 40 authors through 1500 years, and THAT
is the plumbline for the Church Age of the last 2000 years. Every Christian,
from the Roman Centurion at the Foot of Cross of Christ to Stephen to Polycarp
and Clement; from the Disciples to Athanasius and Boniface; from John Hus and
Luther to Wesley and Whitfield; from Peter Muehlenburg and Jonathan Edwards to
Peter Cartwright, Sheffey, DL Moody and Spurgeon; from Billy Sunday to
Billy Graham and Franklin, from Ray Comfort and Ronnie Floyd and
Byron Paulus to the smallest bible teacher in the underground church in the
persecuted middle east and Asia …as well as us who put teaching on video across
the world on the web – we will ALL be held up and measured just like the wall
by Jesus and His Word – the Plumbline of Truth.
The Word of God is going
to convict the World on Judgment Day and the same plumbline of Truth, the Logos
– the Bible – will be the measuring line of Divine Justice. While this
perishing world does not believe in the God of the Bible and while their minds
cannot wrap itself around it, their pretending it does not matter or exist does
not change the reality of that Coming Day. Our part, as followers of the Word
and the Word Who became flesh (the Lord Jesus) is to learn what it says, so we
can do what it says, so when we hear what He says as we stand before Him, at
the Bema Seat for Rewards, we will not be ashamed, but glory in the fact
that our works passed the refining fiery test of Christ.
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