We must all travel the road of all mankind, back to the God Who created us. At the moment of death...and in some cases, way before that final moment, all of us will know our final destination. We will be sure of one thing - it is either one of two places: Heaven and fellowship forever in the Amazing Presence of God or Hell - eternal separation and torment in the lake of fire.
There is no mulligan; no do-over; no holding cell; no "Get out of Jail Free" card and no such thing as Purgatory! The Word of God says that it is appointed ONCE for man to die - and then the Judgment. In the twinkling of an eye, in a flash of light, in the draw of one breath we are immediately transported into eternity.
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. I can vouch for that truth. Without going into detail, the Lord has shown me things which would scare the average person about someone else's destiny. My prayer is those persons will seek forgiveness and salvation through repentance before it is too late for them. As an evangelist and minister...whether it is street ministry or monthly ministry at three different retirement homes or witnessing to scores and scores of adults and children at the state fair....the lost sad eyes of so many would break your heart. It should also make us more intentional to reach as many with the Gospel of Christ before it is too late.
If you speak to chaplains and nurses who work in hospices, the reality of the finality is devastating. Not many are dying with the Peace of God, through Christ,before they depart this life. All kinds of screaming from those still alive including yells about "feet being on fire" and on and on. This is something we can do our best to change. God can change the hearts of even the harshest unbeliever and sinner to Him, before it is too late. All we have to do is let Him. If those with little time left would just allow Him tochange some of these terrifying stories from the hospices from "my feet are on fire" to "I feel so much at peace", what an amazing testimony that would be! Wouldn't THOSE final words be more desirable? What does it profit the rebellious to go away to eternal punishment just to prove a point? What point? Huh?!
We will all have final words -whether it is on our actual death bed or the night before we wake up in eternity. Have you ever thought what YOUR final words would be? Just recently, the vicious Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez died of cancer at the young age of 57. He thought he was immortal and was full of bravado because he had temporary military power. Yet, his final words were "I don't want to die"...knowing for the first time, where he was heading.
Therefore, I present here, some final words of some famous people. The well known unbelievers were shocking to learn of, in my research. But then, you see the final words of the Redeemed - those saved by Christ, and it grants us peace and hope!
Winston Churchill: “There is no hope, all is lost....I'm bored with it all"
Victor Hugo (author): “I see black light!”
Karl Marx (founder of Communism): “Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
Ludwig Van Beethoven (composer): “Too bad, too bad, it is too late!!”
Anne Boleyn (whom King Henry VIII married after divorcing his first wife): “O God, have pity on my soul, O God, have pity on my soul.”
Cardinal Borgia (later to become the corrupt Pope Alexander VI): “I have provided in the course of my life for everything except death, and now, alas, I am to die unprepared!”
W.C. Fields (comedian/actor): “I am looking for a loophole.”
Joan Crawford (famous actress who heard her maid praying out loud for her): Damn it . . . Don't you dare ask God to help me.
King Henry VIII ("founder" of the Church of England): All is lost. Monks, monks, monks!
D.L. Moody (great American Evangelist): “I see earth receding; heaven is opening. God is calling me!”
William Shakespeare (the Bard of
Daniel Webster (great American statesman and senator 1800’s): “Thank God, the gospel of Jesus Christ brought life and immortality to light…I still live.”
David Livingstone (great British Missionary): “Build me a hut to die in, I am going home.”
Charles Dickens (British author): “I commit my soul to the mercy of God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I exhort my dear children humbly to try and guide themselves by the teaching of the New Testament.”
Andrew Jackson (U.S. President known as ‘Old
Isaac Watts (hymn-writer, hymns like ‘Joy to the World’ and ‘O God Our Help in Ages Past’): It is a great mercy that I have no manner of fear or dread of death. I could, if God please, lay my head back and die without terror this afternoon!”
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