Heavenly Father, on this most glorious day, we thank You for Your Faithful promises, grace, compassion, mercy and love which wakes up each morning and gives us our next breath.
Thank You, oh God, for bringing us to the start of a new week.
Thank You for the Hope of Eternal Life, which is guaranteed to all who have repented, believed the gospel and belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, Your Only Begotten Son.
Thank You for the calling on our lives to serve You and the Kingdom, and the fact that You have equipped us to do so even in our lowly estate.
Thank You for the Holy Spirit Who seals us until the Day of Redemption, and Who teaches, guides and directs into the paths of all truth.
Lord on this day, we remember all who have given all in the service of the King - Jesus. From Stephen the first Martyr, who spoke Truth to corruption in the Book of Acts, to Tyndale who brought the Bible to the English speaking world to so many others who are too numerous to mention. Lord, we remember the sacrifice of the Burnhams in the Philippines over twenty years ago and Your great servants Jim Elliott and Nate Saint who gave it all that may be saved in Ecuador.
So, most Gracious God, today and this week, we pray into Your Mighty Hands, the fate of our wonderful missionaries who are trapped in Afghanistan and have almost no way out. They may be abandoned by the world but they are foremost in Your Eyes.
Lord, many have been left behind as a disastrous 20 year war has officially ended. However oh most gracious God in heaven, the pain and suffering for so many is just beginning.
We pray for the grieving families of lost US military personnel- all thirteen families who lost their dear, young loved ones so tragically last week. Comfort them in their affliction, shock and sadness.
We pray for the many who were horribly injured in that incident in the Kabul airfield, and the other hunters of soldiers who witnessed the attack. Many will come back with post traumatic stress syndrome - PTSD.
We pray, oh Lord, that many will turn to you, will stick your face and the comfort and love and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray that they will get the correct treatment that they need, and that the local church will be the source of support and love and mercy and compassion for these returning soldiers in their communities and bases around the United States.
We pray for the people of Afghanistan, who suffered terribly for 20 years and now will suffer even more, due to lack of freedom and humanity by those from the powers of darkness, who have taken over their government. God bless them, make Your Face to shine upon him and, Give them Your peace that passes all understanding in Jesus Name.
We pray, Heavenly Father, for those who have caused this disaster by wrong and even short term selfish decisions that caused people to get hurt.
We pray that they will seek Your forgiveness and do better from now on.
We pray, as well, with those who are suffering from Covid disease, young and old who are close to death due to this problem, and the pandemic. Lord, please send a Mighty Rushing wind and your cleansing fire…..please clean out the potential from the disease to harm people and to keep multiplying itself to make so many others so very ill.
Father on this day we pray to you, Almighty God for fresh wind, a fresh fire, that will unfold in Your people. We pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will run right through us and emboldened us, We pray that we may be under the power of Your love, by the grace You have given us, love so many others to Christ, especially in these last dark and scary days.
May You continue to give us the opportunity, the will , and the means to reach out to so many others, in prayer, word and deed….and May it be all for Your glory in the Mighty Name of Jesus, amen and amen!
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