Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Great Father in Heaven, Author, Creator and Giver of Life, everything we are and have comes from You. There is nothing that are, do and say which You know not of…..if we climb to the highest mountain of Faith, Thou art there. If we make our beds with the lost of the world, and sin with them - Behold - Thou art there too.

Thank You for the next breath we take because it is simply a gift from you.
Thank You for the gleam in our eyes and the smile on our faces.
Thank You for the pep in our step and glide in our stride.
Thank You for the food You provide and the warm and cool home in which we abide.
Thank You for the car that we drive and the places we work.
Thank You for doctors, nurses and truck drivers.
Thank You for pastors, teachers and evangelists.
Thank You for Granmas and Granpas and coaches who motivate.
Thank You for grocery clerks, gas station attendants and sanitation workers.
Thank You for so many things too many to list….and Lord as the harvest time cometh in the agricultural fields of the northern hemisphere, we pray for all in the chain- from the precious, hardworking farmers to those who transport the crops to their destination to be packaged, processed and distributed across the world. We thank You for embedding within them the desire to feed the world. Thank You, Jesus.
Wonderful, merciful Savior. Precious Redeemer and Friend. Who would have thought that a Lamb could, rescue the souls of men! Behold He is the Lamb Who taketh away the very sins of the world…of anyone who trusts, believes and then repents. Father we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord.
In Him we find Eternal Life
Through Him we find the meaning of Life
With Him we find the abundant Life
In His Presence there is fullness of Joy.
Therefore on this day in our gratitude for just another day to see our children and the red cardinals in full flight, we gave Thee great acknowledgment and bow before Thee in all humility, in gracious thanks for Your great mercy and loving kindness- which endureth forever, and ask for Your grace for another day, in the Name which is above all names, amen.

1 comment:

Ethan Henry said...

I got a chance to visit mycred configuration and found some useful shortcodes.