BIBLE VERSE: "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7)
TRUTH: You know it’s easy to talk about being “fearless” or not afraid to promote the Cause of Christ and the Gospel. Even the most battle-hardened Christian who can speak to both a drunk on skid row and a banker downtown about the need to “get right with God”, gets nervous or doubtful at times. However there is a reason we see the following throughout the Bible “fear not”; “do not be afraid”; “have no fear” and many variations thereof. These exhortations come either directly from The Father, the Lord Jesus or His selected Angels. Ultimately, we really have nothing to fear. As we lay on our deathbeds, knowing our eternal destiny is secure, we are the ONLY ones who have no fear.
But the spirit of fearlessness is not given for that reason alone. God gave us the courage to be bold at the point of conversion. It is so that we may bear fruit for the Kingdom. Not only are we to stand firm in the Faith and contend for it, but we must share the Gospel and its saving Power. Timidity implies cowardice. Jesus was/is not a coward. He is God. We are in His Image. He gave us Love. When we see others going to hell and can’t stand the thought of it, we love them to Jesus. In addition, He gave us self-control to control our hearts, minds, tongues, hands, eyes to align them ALL with His will to put that Love into action.
Bottom line – let’s all take a deep breath, dive in and Be Bold For Jesus.
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