It is getting more and more difficult to pray for those in authority in governments of all levels, due to the condition of the world. Most of these institutions run by man have become not just cesspools of corruption and incompetence, but act contrary to the wishes of those who elected them. In places huge land masses like Asia and the Middle East where hundreds of millions of Christians are persecuted, it is even harder to pray for those in authority as commanded above in Scripture. Yet, I suspect that these wonderful persecuted saints pray even more for their persecutors than we would do in the west. In fact, I heard that they have, after listening to some of their missionaries who travel to the west.
So how does a Christian, in these uncertain times, balance belief in the Pure Word of Jesus Christ and in the hard truths of His Teaching against the Judges 6 environment we see today where “everyone does what is right in their own eyes”? How does a committed and passionate for the real things of the Kingdom even attempt to survive joyfully when the once-Christian west is now upending everything that is good, pure and wholesome and calling it normal? How do we walk this out when up is down and down is up?
Well, we do what we are supposed to do – pray for those in authority. Many are tempted to pray Psalm 109:8 “may their days is office be short and another take their place”. This is not what we should be doing no matter how bad a certain leader is. What we should be doing is lifting up leaders, rulers, governors, mayors, congressmen and presidents and prime ministers to the Lord as much as possible. We should do this in keeping with Scripture. Should we agree with a political leader who supports unfettered abortion or teaching ungodly things to little children in school? Absolutely not. We cannot change the hearts of those who have different theologies and philosophies than us, only the Real God can so do. What we do is pray for that….such as “Lord, we pray for Leader XYZ and lift him/her up to You in prayer as well as their families. I pray that You continue to watch over them personally and grant them Godly wisdom and discernment in their daily duties. Lord we pray for their staff and advisors that good counsel is offered from them, even if they are ignored. They will all be accountable for their decisions before You, oh Lord, so we pray that they listen to wisdom and even spiritual advisors, if they have any.
Lord we know and it is obvious that almost every decision on a national level is not in accordance with Your Word. We know that almost no one, except a few state governors, mayors and people’s representatives even follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Master of their Lives. We know that ungodly decisions are put into law which force Your people to live under ungodly judicial decisions. We know that laws have caused more lives to be lost to abortion than Hitler, Mao and Stalin combined, but we also pray for those who suffer under unjust and unrighteous laws, having to violate the Word of God to obey these laws. We pray for a change of hearts in those people who cause this persecution that they will see the error of their ways and turn to You in repentance.
Lord we know the Heart of the King or leader or president and prime minister is in Your Hands….that You alone ordain governments. We also know that where there are free and fair elections, most times the people choose people who reject You, just as Israel chose a king over You and the Prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 8:6-8). Keep us focused on what Your Word commands so that we do not violate Your statutes and thus sin, just like those who are disobeying You. Until the time You bring in the Millennial and Eternal Governments with King Jesus as the Commander in Chief forever, help us to continue to pray for ALL in Authority, especially in these difficult times.
We pray for ALL Law enforcement who are under duress these days. We pray for their safety and their jobs and their return to their families, safe and sound at the end of every work day.
We pray for border agents charged with keeping evil elements out and guarding each nation’s sovereignty and for the thankless job they do. Watch over their families and communities.
We pray for all local officials, from the lowest elected official to mayors, state reps and governors of all states everywhere.
We pray for all national leaders and those running for elected office that their speech will be tempered with salt and their reflect the peace and joy of the Lord.
We pray for those who protect the country – the soldiers and their families and those who have command over them on the ground that protection of lives will be key in their portfolio.
Thank You Lord, for allowing us to pray for all these folks and our communities and we do so gladly that it will go well with us, in accordance to Thy Holy and Precious Word, in the Mighty and Sovereign Lord of the Universe – Jesus Christ, in His Name amen.
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