“SPLASH!”, the latest offering from the prolific “pen” of Susan Rohrer is a dynamic, quick read full of nuggets which will both inspire and cause the reader to think. These “bit/byte”-sized spiritually delectable morsels carry awesome Bible-based truths that anyone can apply to the specific human condition of the soul, at any time. The quotes are brief enough for the reader to latch onto, in order to have a more orderly, cleared-up vision of what this brief life on earth is really all about.
With many quotes taken from her Holy Spirit book*, her Redeeming Romance novels, and her excellent Bible study on the Book of Ezekiel, “SPLASH!” continues a theme that I glean, represents the true ministry to which God called Ms. Rohrer. This would be to share and proclaim the power that comes from such a vibrant relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, that the outflow would be like rivers of living water!
As I read through the quotes and words of “SPLASH!”, the lyrics of the great
Susan Rohrer, Author |
hymn of the Faith came to mind: “When peace like a river attendeth my way...” This book is recommended not just as a good read for some delightful inspirational quotes, but could be used in a counseling session for a teenage girl going through the hard years in high school, or the single mom who is struggling to raise toddlers while working two jobs, or even the hard-nosed OTR (over the road) truck driver, who has endless hours of empty road cross country to ponder the deep things of life. As Susan says in “SPLASH!”, such fellow travelers should take note that “God is not finished with you. There is no winding down with age. Check Proverbs 15:24 and see: the wise wind up!” One thing sums up “SPLASH!” and it is this quote for those who think God could never love, help, or accept someone like them (because of whatever). Susan says “Remember Lot’s wife. It’s impossible to walk straight ahead while looking back. Forget the old and move forward in newness of life.”
*THE HOLY SPIRIT - Spiritual Gifts: Amazing Power for Everyday People (Illuminated Bible Study Guides Series) [Kindle Edition, Susan Rohrer, Author).
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