To the majority of people out there, ABBA is the Swedish pop group from the 1970’s. To the believer, ABBA is so much more than that. Abba is the Aramaic term of endearment for Father God, the Father of Everything and the Father of Lights in Whim there is no variation nor shfting shadow.
God is the Ultimate Father. He is Lord over all, the Great God of Heaven and our Father Who really art in Heaven, hallowed be His Name. While the term “Father” used more in the New Testament for obvious reasons – the Son came to Earth to be born, minister and die on a Cross to save all mankind), the Father was present in Scripture almost a thousand years before. The prophet Isaiah was taken up (raptured) into heaven in Chapter 6 and saw the LORD Face to face. Isaiah not only saw the Holiness and the Power Worship in Heaven, but he got to hear the dialogue between all three individual Members of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Isaiah heard Jesus say “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?”
Hundreds of years before, the LORD Himself revealed through Scripture in Proverbs 30:4 when the Word says “Who has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His Fists? Who has wrapped the waters in His Garments? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name or His Son’s Name? Surely you know!”
Well, we, who are saved by His Son Jesus Christ/Adonai/The Lord of Heaven’s Armies, know exactly what His Name is – Abba! How do we know this? Well, the Holy Scriptures gives us this tremendous revelation of truth here "For you have not received a spirit leading to fear again, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out “ABBA, FATHER” (Romans 8:15)
That’s it right there! God –our Father, Abba – did NOT give us a spirit of fear but one of power, love and a sound mind. It is a mind full of self-control; self-discipline. Think about the attributes of an earthly father and I am sure you can add to this list from "FAMILY SHARE", which has a brief list of such wonderful qualities:
He is a steady provider and works to see that his family has the necessities of life.
He does everything in his power to keep the family safe from that which would injure or harm the family members physically, emotionally or spiritually.
He shares his knowledge and principles to help family members grow and develop.
He shows kindness, compassion and interest in the family members.
He shows by the way he lives an example of what the family stands for.
He is honored because of his moral character and actions.
He helps the children learn proper boundaries and consequences.
Spiritual leader
He does his part to help establish faith in God and belief in principles of accountability to him.
Treats his wife like a queen (faithful husband)
He shows love and respect and lives totally faithful to his wife. He shares the workload as a partner with his wife. (Source: Gary and Joy Lundberg, Family Share)
Now, take this an multiply it to the Nth degree.....and here we have the Attributes of Our Father, Who art in Heaven!
Part 2: The Attributes of Abba, Heavenly Father
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