Business Men in Christ's THE TRANSFORMATION PROJECT was launched on Saturday August 14, 2010 by Bernie Lutchman at the Route 66 Hotel and Conference Center in Springfield, Il. The Transformation Project comes out of a desire for a closer walk with Jesus.Through months and months of worship, prayer, intercession and study the Lord brought me to a point of complete surrender or walking away.
The choice was clear and becoming a certified Minister of the Gospel was the “Jump the Shark” moment. Witnessing and participating in miracles of healing of body and relationships….the School of Revival led by Sergio Scataglini and the 100% Walk of Holiness which Christ demands of His followers….the critical and spirit filled expository teaching of Dr. David Nichols…and more before that and since…the Lord basically wrote the entire script for this – HIS – project!
After all, what are we even “transforming “to?! I know from where – STAGNATION! Here is what the Lord says in Romans 12:2 (AMP) “Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]“.
Please keep checking this website in the near future. A lot of the Training on this unlimited project will come from several different men – Worship; How to Study the Bible; How to Pray the Bible; Healing; Accountability; Sexual Purity; Evangelism Inside AND Outside the Church and more! Most of all, BEFORE we even get to this point, we will challenge all men to see if they are truly saved and regenerated into the Kingdom of Christ. One can hit what looks like an inside the park home run, run all bases and reach home plate…but if your cleats never touched First Base (or ‘got saved’), all the rest of it is meaningless and will burn up in Eternity.
A lot of these teachings will be in person at our meetings, but two upcoming pages on this site will handle the traffic and the teaching – Dr. Earl Powell’s page will be freewheeling. My blog as well as a Forum to bounce thoughts and postings off are coming soon. This website will be interactive and will be YOUR website. It is a mouthpiece for Christ and as we unfold more and more of the Transformation Project, stay tuned! We’ve only just begun to fight for our families, our fellowship and our community of believers! We can only do this while being transformed in the Renewing of our minds, to the very Mind and Will of Christ! (BL)
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