Friday, September 11, 2009

Annual NDP Prayer Summit October 16-18, 2009

The Annual National Day of Prayer Summit will be held at the Focus on the Family headquarters, Colorado Springs, Colorado.This is a critical year, not just for the pro-family movement but for the entire praying body of Christ.
Speakers include Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and the grandson of evangelist Billy Graham - Will Graham. Workshops will be held by great friends and brethren in the Faith - Bruce Assaf of Blow the Trumpet International Ministries and Lori Wagner, of Affirming Faith.
Bruce has just written the foreword for my new book called "DANGER ZONE", which is designed for men of all ages.
Lori is a delightful author, conference speaker and prayer warrior from Troy, Michigan who has written both non-fiction and children's books.
The National Day of Prayer is more than an event which takes place on the first Thursday of each May!
We have grown into a nightly event called WATCHMEN OF THE NIGHT (WON) where prayer leaders intercede in Praise, Repentance and Yielding (PRY) to the Will of Christ in our lives. We like to call this PRYing the lid off for true Intercession. Then each January, we hold a National prayer vigil for all intercessors.

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