" Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things". (Philippians 4:8)
Most Christians know the Bible's great examples of character, dignity, gravitas, and honor. Men like Enoch, who the Bible says "walked with God" (Genesis 5:24) all the days of his life, and God thought so much of him that He took him to heaven as a very young man. How about Daniel, the prophet who inspired the Magi of the Christmas story? Daniel was so full of integrity, character, and love for God, that he refused to bow down to King Darius of Babylon's edicts and ended up in the lion's den (Daniel 6 here).
The man or woman of God who thinks and lives Biblically and stays diligent to that calling has a special place in the Heart of God. Look at what the Lord sent His chief warrior Angel Michael to say to Daniel, for his faithfulness and honor (Daniel 10:12) "“Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words". What words, you ask? Please read all of the book of Daniel, but especially Daniel's prayer in Chapter 9.
Our key verse for thinking Biblically - Philippians 4:8, has as its second exhortation from heaven: "Whatever things are noble". The original biblical Greek word here is "semnos" which means honorable, dignified, worthy of respect, and noble.
It is not enough to be a faithful believer who lives right, pays taxes, obeys the law, goes to work, does a great job, loves God, and loves other people, primarily your family. It is not enough to do all of those wonderful things. We must carry ourselves - men and women - in such good repute that we not only NEVER bring the Name of Jesus to disrepute as too many Christians do these days, but there should be no doubt about who we are when we walk into our workplace, church, or community gathering, that this is a person who walks the talk.
Being a person of noble character also carries the moniker of one who does not gossip or engage in double-speech. This person is also temperate when everyone else is losing their collective minds. He or she is sensible and calm, gentle and firm, yet full of Truth and love. Being of noble character begins with THINKING God's thoughts.
This is how Daniel's character shined so much that God took note and rewarded him with a special blessing from the Heavenly Throne. You and I can have that same favor with God that Daniel had.
All that you and I will need to do is have the same reverence, awe, respect AND self-respect which Daniel exhibited. It all began with his thought life or his extremely high view of God. The meaning of the word "noble" in our verse, reminds us that we are commanded to think, and therefore act differently than the world around us.
Thinking Biblically by being in awe of God, by having the ultimate respect and reverence for Him and by living this way, is the true sign of a thoughtful lifestyle, based on Truth - His Truth - the Only Truth. Amen
Father, just as You have done in ages past, please give us the courage and boldness to live like Daniel did, the Courage to bow the knee to no one but You; the courage to proclaim Your Name to a dying corrupt world and the courage to live every moment with our guard up, so that we will never slip up in public or private. May we have those thoughts, beliefs, and actions which are consistent with the Truths of Scripture and walk with and in them all the days of our lives, in Jesus' Strong Name amen.
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