Sunday, March 12, 2017


At some point in life, we have all felt rejected or unloved. Sometimes the feeling is one of not belonging to anyone, anything or to even God Himself. Here is where the Christian should remember that she or he is more than just a member of the Kingdom family. Here is where we bring to mind the truth, that we are joint heirs with Christ in this same Kingdom.

Webster's Dictionary defines an "heir", in part, as "one who receives or is entitled to receive something other than property from a parent or predecessor".  Immediately, we see that the recipient here, did not earn of anything but the "inheritance" was bestowed upon him or her. It is basically grace, mercy, compassion and love which comes from Someone who has all of those attributes and more.

The Psalmist, David, representative of us all, knows from where his lot in life cometh. The Lord is MY Portion (Verse 57) explicitly emphasizes that without what He has given us, without God, we are nothing, have nothing and are appointed to nothing in this life. Because of this truth, we can rest, knowing that His Grace and Favor (verse 58) is a written in permanently in each of our lives. 
Psalm 119:57-64
57  The Lord is my portion; I have promised to keep Your words.
58  I sought Your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to Your word.
59  I considered my ways and turned my feet to Your testimonies.
60  I hastened and did not delay to keep Your commandments.
61  The cords of the wicked have encircled me, but I have not forgotten Your law.
62  At midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You because of Your righteous ordinances.
63  I am a companion of all those who fear You, and of those who keep Your precepts.
64  The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O Lord; teach me Your statutes.

Constantly resting in the Promises of God is a hard thing to work out while in the daily grind of things. This is so, especially where such eternal truths are constantly facing us. In addtion, being an HEIR of Christ, and living intentionally to "CLAIM THAT INHERITANCE" are most definitely two of the hardest things for a Christian to do.  The reason why so many Christians are easy targets to misdirect and thus, misfire right off the bat, is because they are so involved in navel-gazing and internal machinations of daily living, to see past the noise.

To avoid this, we MUST consider His Ways (verse 59). This is important as the only way we can understand the Inheritance He has given to us, is to read and study His Bible regularly! There is not another way. 

The cords of the wicked (verse 61) conspire to place- and KEEP us, constantly in bondage. The snares of Satan seeks to suffocate both the intake of the Word and glorious sharing His Marvelous Grace, and then shake us loose from it. However, if we even rise up in the middle of the night and thank God in the spirit of worship and just acknowledge Him in all practicality, we can experience a paradigm shift which will open up the portals of heaven to our souls to release more and more resting in the Eternal.

This is our commission from this incredible portion of Scripture from Psalm 119. We must teach our fellow Christians, just how they too, can live currently in the eternal realm, as spiritually successful sons and daughters of the King. But we can only do so, by reading, studying, understanding and sharing the principles, the power and the prescriptions, from the very Hand and Heart of Almighty God, in Jesus' Name, amen. 

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